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Sync doesn't work with subdirectories #2821

Closed bribroder closed 2 months ago

bribroder commented 3 months ago

What happened?

When devspace dev runs, during the initial sync I get a permissions error from inotify when it tries to descend into subdirectories of my container's working dir (/opt/app):

$ devspace dev
info Using namespace 'asdf'
info Using kube context 'arn:aws:eks:us-west-1:123:cluster/asdf'
deploy:app Applying manifests with kubectl...
deploy:app deployment.apps/asdf configured
deploy:app secret/asdf-secrets configured
deploy:app Successfully deployed app with kubectl
dev:app Waiting for pod to become ready...
dev:app DevSpace is waiting, because Pod asdf-devspace-66bfddbf5b-tvlfg has status: ContainerCreating
dev:app Selected pod asdf-devspace-66bfddbf5b-tvlfg
dev:app sync  Sync started on: ./app/ <-> /opt/app
dev:app sync  Waiting for initial sync to complete
dev:app sync  Initial sync completed
start_dev: initial sync: Sync - connection lost to pod asdf/asdf-devspace-66bfddbf5b-tvlfg: Use inotify as watching method in container
2024/03/20 15:51:44 error watching path /opt/app: lstat /opt/app/libs/__pycache__: permission denied
 command terminated with exit code 1
fatal exit status 1

I can exec into the running pod and see that all the subdirectories of my working dir and the sync path have permissions set to 644 instead of 755 like on the host, so the directories can't be executed--although all files do have the correct ownership permissions matching the container user.

I can actually fix the sync issue after the pod deploys:

pod_name=$(kubectl get pods -l app=asdf -n asdf -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
kubectl exec -ti $pod_name -- find . -type d -exec chmod +X {} \; 

And then devspace dev will complete successfully and sync will work normally, until the container is killed and the initial sync needs to happen again

Note that my pod does not run as root

How can we reproduce the bug? (as minimally and precisely as possible)

Create a sync into the working directory with some subdirectories?

My devspace.yaml:

version: v2beta1
      - ./deploy/deployment.yml
    - path: ./app/:/opt/app
      uploadExcludeFile: .devspaceignore

Local Environment:

bribroder commented 3 months ago

Extra note, using an onUpload command to fix permissions doesn't work, it doesn't seem to run at all if the sync errors

- path: ./app:/opt/app
  uploadExcludeFile: .devspaceignore
    - command: |-
        find /opt/app -type d -exec chmod +X {} \;

Setting polling: true doesn't work around the issue either

dev:app sync  Initial sync completed
start_dev: initial sync: upstream: apply changes: apply creates: upload archive: after upload: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = untar all: decompress: create /opt/app/libs/ open /opt/app/libs/ permission denied
fatal exit status 1
bribroder commented 2 months ago

I tracked this down to initial permissions of the subdirectories in the docker image

rafilkmp3 commented 1 month ago

I tracked this down to initial permissions of the subdirectories in the docker image

Hey, i'm having the same problem on a project of mine and if I might ask, can you elaborate a little further on the solution? Did you create a new docker image with wider permissions so the devspace runner can do his initial work correctly?

siredmar commented 1 month ago

@bribroder @rafilkmp3 I have the same issue. Anything that helps?

siredmar commented 1 month ago

Never mind. The problem on my side was the securityContext set pretty restrictive for my pod (what is best practice). So i needed to get rid of the securityContext of my container:

    labelSelector: myfancyapp
    namespace: mynamespace
    - op: remove
      path: spec.containers[0].securityContext
      - path: ./:/app
        - vendor/

Hope this helps folks.