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Provide tooltip with more info about each event #40

Open luanmuniz opened 8 years ago

luanmuniz commented 8 years ago

Im trying to follow the nodejs repo but without the issue title its very hard since its about 100~ issues updated a day :(

zenorocha commented 8 years ago

Cool! We definitely need this feature. My plan is to ship something similar to this:

screen shot 2016-02-05 at 10 42 42 am
luanmuniz commented 8 years ago

I like it! btw: what is the name of this plugin? xD

zenorocha commented 8 years ago ;)

AdrianoCahete commented 8 years ago

Just put a delay (or a click) when over that info. Is so annoying move mouse pointer from top to bottom (or to some link/card) and a lot of popups "popping up".

itmustbe commented 8 years ago

I do like the lookup of your popup mockup.

I would suggest avoiding the hover event though, instead using a click event. This will avoid unnecessary decisions about how long to delay the hover event firing (pointed out earlier in this thread). And it will be better for mobile devices (as it's hard to be certain the mobile device viewing will reliably translate hover events as tap events). Considering mobile browsers, it's also nice to have as consistent as possible UI experience shared with the desktop interface.

When I initially looked for this functionality in the beta (after logging in for the first time today), I tried clicking the icon in the lower right of the box (in the case of a commit, the "< >" symbol). One downside I see to using the lower-right icon: it'd have to be the link color to show at a glance that it's tappable on mobile devices (I like the understated gray icon indicative of the item's type). So I'm not advocating that icon as the best spot, it's just a suggestion, based on my initial exploration of the app after logging in.

itmustbe commented 8 years ago

Last night I was thinking a bit more about this, and it's just another suggestion, but instead of a popup, one could just have the box for that particular event item expand downwards to accommodate additional content and information? Actually each event still needs a bit more info before any click is made, as without additional info, it's hard to know which one might wish to click.

So I think adding some additional info right there (without any hovering or clicking) so that folks can distinguish the events better, and then either a popup or an expansion of the given item clicked on. The reason I thought about the expansion was that it'll provide more room for a variable amount of content, without appearing to clutter up the interface as a popover might.

mdelapenya commented 8 years ago

I'd add this feature to commits message, to see which commits where pushed. I'd add the commit short description as tooltip

daveaglick commented 8 years ago

as without additional info, it's hard to know which one might wish to click

I think this is the crux of it. Personally, I think a streaming visualization like this is really only helpful when it gives you what you need at a glance. I should be able to see enough in order to judge what is actionable or not without any having to initiate any additional user actions.

In fact, I would go further than tooltips (though those would certainly be cool) and provide an option (maybe per-column) to show:

This would obviously mean less cards per column visible at once (hence making it an option). I also get the desire to make the cards look like Twitter/TweetDeck, but GitHub isn't Twitter and I think having extra context for each card outweighs that (I.e., there's really no practical reason why the cards have to be really short).

ygd commented 8 years ago

I would also like to see commit messages, but directly on the “card” it self. I think a tooltip is hiding information which is not ideal for having an overview what is cooking in a repo.

the info about pushed “1 commit” is not that useful imo