devstrons / heloworld

A collection of hello world snippets in multiple programming languages.
MIT License
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[lang] Add SQL #76

Open aminoxix opened 3 years ago

aminoxix commented 3 years ago

Current Behavior

This project doesn't have SQL language, not even in the pull request I find something relates fs!

Desired Behavior

SQL language must be considered inside the lang folder.


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chandan0000 commented 3 years ago

Can I work on this issue

aminoxix commented 3 years ago

@chandan0000: Thanks for pick this up, here's your stage! :guitar:

kunalcodes007 commented 2 years ago

@amino19 i guess the assignee isn't available for this issue. Let me work on it ?

kunalcodes007 commented 2 years ago

@amino19 it says permission denied when i try to push the commit !!!?

aminoxix commented 2 years ago

@amino19 i guess the assignee isn't available for this issue. Let me work on it ?

Sure, thanks for picking this up, would love to have you as a contributor here. :slightly_smiling_face:

aminoxix commented 2 years ago

@amino19 it says permission denied when i try to push the commit !!!?

Pl check whether you cloned it properly, & did git pull if already cloned. Also, check whether you add your commits with git add . Then commit with a message using git commit -m "<your-message>"

After this, the issue still persists, feel free to ping me on discord.

kunalcodes007 commented 2 years ago

@amino19 ok lemme try once more time..

and also i'm sorry for the late update

kunalcodes007 commented 2 years ago

@amino19 please have a look at my dm..(discord)