devunt / make-gis-great-again

This web extension adds back "View Image" button to Google Image Search results.
MIT License
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Adding XUL version of the extension for legacy browsers #14

Open THEtomaso opened 6 years ago

THEtomaso commented 6 years ago

Any chance of providing an XUL/XPCOM version, for Firefox legacy browsers, like 'Firefox ESR', 'Pale Moon' and 'SeaMonkey'?

comnut commented 6 years ago

erm, have you tried right click????? :D DO try reading responses before 'fixing' :P :)

THEtomaso commented 6 years ago

That only works for some images. For larger ones, it only gives you a thumbnail version.

UndarkAido commented 6 years ago

@comnut You realize the entire point of this extension is to not require the right click menu there, right?

trlkly commented 6 years ago

The creator of GreaseMonkey still has his old userscript to XUL converter up on hit site. You might be able to use that to make an XUL version. (Since I don't know how much longer that will remain up, it might be a good idea to convert it and host the XUL here. Once converted, changing the userscript inside is fairly easy.)