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Customize CSS styles to match Aziz's draft #4

Closed luminaxster closed 4 years ago

luminaxster commented 4 years ago

we can customize our website using this guide. Alternatively, we can change the theme anytime to something from, for example: bulma-clean-theme. Let's list the changes we want to make:

SaharMehrpour commented 4 years ago

About the style. How about using our own styling (using bootstrap and other libraries of course) to have more flexibility?

luminaxster commented 4 years ago

Sure, maybe this guide can help:

SaharMehrpour commented 4 years ago

What is the downside of importing bootstrap in the head of the HTML files? I'm working on the layouts and tried importing bootstrap and CSS files in the head of HTML files. It works. Of course, I had to remove the theme from_config.yml.

luminaxster commented 4 years ago

You don't have to remove the theme to add Bootstrap, we can customize it. We only have to put in _layouts the elements we want to customize (e.g. head.html), we get the original from the minima repo and paste it _layouts. The theme will process our layout files instead of theirs.

Alaboudi1 commented 4 years ago

I have a question, can we just use the style that was in the first design and build on top of it? It has bootstrap and other useful libraries. Can we just drag and drop existing CSS and it just works?

SaharMehrpour commented 4 years ago

I am doing something like this:

I will send out a pull request later tonight. If you like that (structure and implementation), we can continue with improving the style.

Alaboudi1 commented 4 years ago

Cool. I would appreciate it if you also write some documentation on how the code works.