dewango / BottomNavigationBarXF

Bottom Navigation Bar for Xamarin Forms
MIT License
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Problem with nuget 1.0.1 #19

Closed escamoteur closed 7 years ago

escamoteur commented 7 years ago


I have no idea why, but when installing the package into my project it only instally the Droid Parte but not the platform independent part. Maybe this because I'm using a shared project.

Will go back to the dlls.

Anybody experienced the same?

Cheers Thomas

DominicFrei commented 7 years ago

@escamoteur Did you do a cross check? Other nuget version. Without a shared project, etc. Would be nice to have some insights, in which case it works and in which it does not.

escamoteur commented 7 years ago

sorry, no time yet

ice-j commented 7 years ago

I can help with this. You need to manually reference the XamarinForms dll which can be found in the packages folder of your solution, then inside the BottomNavigationBarXF folder. If you can't find your way around this I'll make some tutorial for you with pictures. I'm using shared projects as well.

escamoteur commented 7 years ago

Ok that would be a solution. So you got the same problems?

DominicFrei commented 7 years ago

@ice-j Would you mind creating a PR so that we can share it with everyone else?

ice-j commented 7 years ago

@escamoteur Yes, I couldn't access the BottomBarPage class from the shared project without adding the forms reference manually.

@DominicFrei sure thing, will push tomorrow.

DominicFrei commented 7 years ago

Fixed by ice-j with PR #22 .

Dids commented 7 years ago

@DominicFrei I'm assuming the new nuget package will still need to be built and pushed to