dewango / BottomNavigationBarXF

Bottom Navigation Bar for Xamarin Forms
MIT License
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Create the Bottom Bar from XAML #39

Open nosmirck opened 7 years ago

nosmirck commented 7 years ago

I've managed to install the package and made it work with my project using the example code, but, we are trying to have zero code-behind and we define everything using the xaml page.

When I create a new xaml page and inherit from BottomBarPage (also changing the respective code on the XAML part to BottomBarPage) it fails on compilation because the generated compiled xaml to cs tries to look for BottomBarPage inside Xamarin.Forms.

What can I do? Is there any example on how to set up this bottom bar page with xaml?

Thanks in advance for any help.

jjTudu commented 7 years ago

same problem here

mhdshbk commented 6 years ago

@nosmirck Have you found any way to setup this bottom bar page with XAML?

nosmirck commented 6 years ago

@mhdskbk no, there's no way to do it from xaml for now I guess. The issue is still open and the developer has not answered anything.

jjTudu commented 6 years ago

i think we have a solution now, bottom-navigation-bar, xml-inside-xaml have not tried yet