dewango / BottomNavigationBarXF

Bottom Navigation Bar for Xamarin Forms
MIT License
187 stars 97 forks source link

XAML Support and other fixes #45

Closed lholota closed 7 years ago

lholota commented 7 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to use the lib in one of my projects and I've hit some small issues, so I'm sending fixes :)

I am also trying to get the page working with Prism navigation, but that seems to be a bit tougher than I thought, so maybe later...

lholota commented 7 years ago

Btw. the latest nuget available at doesn't seem to contain the latest version (e.g. the BottomBarPage doesn't have the FixedMode property etc.)

lazmeister commented 7 years ago

This will resolve our issue too, hopefully, it will be put into the latest!

lazmeister commented 7 years ago

Hey @lholota I see you forked the repo, I talked to the owners and we should be able to push through some updates via github

lholota commented 7 years ago

Cool, nice response time :) I forked it and created a temporary nuget so I could continue with my app, looking forward to the official update

lazmeister commented 7 years ago

Just waiting on the budget permissions and we should be all set

lazmeister commented 7 years ago
