dewango / BottomNavigationBarXF

Bottom Navigation Bar for Xamarin Forms
MIT License
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Errors with recent merges to BottomBarPageRenderer #47

Open cpboyd opened 7 years ago

cpboyd commented 7 years ago

It seems like the merge kind of jumbled some stuff up.

Line 46: Missing the declaration UpdatableBottomBarTab[] _currentTabs;

Line 307: Looking through the commits, it seems like there should be _currentTabs = tabs;. However, the type of tabs would also need to change from BottomBarTab[] to UpdatableBottomBarTab[] with line 301 replaced with

return new UpdatableBottomBarTab(tabIconId, page.Title, page.Id);

However, this requires the definition of the class UpdatableBottomBarTab:

        private class UpdatableBottomBarTab : BottomBarTab
            public Guid PageId { get; private set; }

            public UpdatableBottomBarTab(int iconResource, string title, Guid pageId) : base(iconResource, title)
                PageId = pageId;

            public void SetIconResource(int iconResource)
                _iconResource = iconResource;

            public int GetIconResource()
                return _iconResource;

Line 309: It's missing the function declaration:

        void SetTabColors()

Line 322: tabColor.Value should just be tabColor because it's no longer nullable.

lazmeister commented 7 years ago

Yes I just started reviewing it again with the Thrive team and it did indeed break many points.

lazmeister commented 7 years ago

we had to revert the three commits for the time being #50 #49 #48

Im-PJ commented 7 years ago

when it will be fixed. my project is not working after updating this library :(