deweylab / RSEM

RSEM: accurate quantification of gene and isoform expression from RNA-Seq data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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cleaned.fq.gz: command not found #213

Closed albustruong closed 2 months ago

albustruong commented 2 months ago


I'm trying to test run mapping a paired-end read of 1 sample of mine to rsem-indexing reference (Please see photos for where I gather and prepare them for mapping.

I use this script:


rsem-calculate-expression \ --bowtie2 --bowtie2-path /usr/bin --phred33-quals \ --paired-end \ --p 6 --output-genome-bam \ --sort-bam-by-coordinates / sub1-Ca13mCh-LGC9389_L1_1_cleaned.fq.gz \ sub1-Ca13mCh-LGC9389_L1_2_cleaned.fq.gz \ ref \ sub1-Ca13mCh-LGC9389_L1_paired_end_quals \ 2>&1 | tee sub1-Ca13mCh-LGC9389_L1_log.txt

Error report is: ./ line 8: sub1-Ca13mCh-LGC9389_L1_1_cleaned.fq.gz: command not found

Please help me. Thanks.

image image

cndewey commented 2 months ago

That error message suggests that "sub1-Ca13mCh-LGC9389_L1_1_cleaned.fq.gz" is at the beginning of a command line. If you look at the line above that filename, you'll see that you used a forward slash "/" instead of a backslash "\". You need to use a backslash instead for line continuation.

albustruong commented 2 months ago

Hi @cndewey ,

Thanks a lot for your help. I corrected the forward slash "/" to a backlash "\":


rsem-calculate-expression \ --bowtie2 --bowtie2-path /usr/bin --phred33-quals \ --paired-end \ --p 6 --output-genome-bam \ --sort-bam-by-coordinates \ sub1-Ca13mCh-LGC9389_L1_1_cleaned.fq.gz \ sub1-Ca13mCh-LGC9389_L1_2_cleaned.fq.gz \ ref \ sub1-Ca13mCh-LGC9389_L1_paired_end_quals \ 2>&1 | tee sub1-Ca13mCh-LGC9389_L1_log.txt

and the error is gone. However, I got another error:

Unknown option: sort-bam-by-coordinates

What should I do?

cndewey commented 2 months ago

That error means you have given an option (sort-bam-by-coordinates) to rsem-calculate-expression that it does not recognize. Please give the manual a careful read. The correct option is "--sort-bam-by-coordinate".