dewi-alliance / grants

Details of the DeWi Alliance Grant Program
41 stars 15 forks source link

Evergreen Miner Helium Integration #35

Closed evergreendrose closed 2 years ago

evergreendrose commented 2 years ago

Evergreen Miner

Elevator Pitch

Your internet is in the hands of a few big players. They own your data, they earn the fees, and at any moment you could lose access. Helium and Chia have made unstoppable, peer owned networks where people own their assets and earn passive income by running a node. Evergreen Miner makes it dead simple to join these unstoppable networks. Earn passive income, store assets, and use Dapps across multiple chains from a single interface. With Evergreen you own your internet without intermediaries. Evergreen has sold $60,000 in product and $2,500 in MRR, and is currently scaling supply to meet new demand.

Total Ask — $87,000






[Dylan Rose](

6 Years founding wearable HW companies.

Started and built out new initatives at Amazon Ideas, under creator of Google Glass

UW EE Labs Sr Manager of 3 new initatives, customer discovery, and team management of over 20 people.

[Randal Schwartz](

4X O’ Reily Published Author for Perl, Educated and trained thousands of developers. Google Flutter GDE

35 Years Experience building and scaling software systems

[Robi Lin](

2 years Consulting at Bain

Former VC at Bloccelerate

4 years consulting for dozens of Seattle based startups on tech, growth, and ops.

Seeed Studio is manufacturing our devices, and we have several Chia team members and community contributors working on Hard Drive supply, and blockchain engineering.

Final Deliverables

We will deliver a hybrid mining device that allows users to mine Chia and Helium via HardDrives and a LoRaWAN module plugged into a 40-pin header.

The key objectives are

Today there are some unknowns around the SW piece with helium, we are going to clarify these details in the first phase of the project.


MVP software was made for the first batch, the next phase is around scaling the MVP

Please find an expanded project spec [here](


Untitled Untitled (1) Untitled (2)


We have already been shipping and designing hardware for Chia customers.

Existing Prototypes, v2 (left) manufactured by Seeed Studio, 25 v1 prototypes up and running made by Dylan Rose V1 Review by BrandonCoin

Untitled (3) Untitled (7) Untitled (9) (1) Untitled (5)

Benefit to Helium Community

Chia and Helium combined for over 800K nodes in 2021. Both of these protocols are focused on bringing users P2P internet where they can earn and support their communities. A device that bridges the gap and brings Daaps to everyday people will significantly help grow the network and strengthen the community. Chia, and other P2P networks need helium to get away from ISPs and I believe Evergreen will help route applications and assets between peers directly. This first year will give a glimpse at what a peer owned internet really looks like.


EVERGREEN Ext (2) (1)

  1. HW Feasibility and Helium SW integration Architecture — 03/15/22
    1. Source A 40Pin Hat that uses LoWaRan and installs to Raspbian OS
    2. A package for integrating Helium with Current Evergreen Software
    3. 160 Hours @ $120/hr
  2. Prototype and test 50 Units made by Seeed Studio | 05/15/22
    1. First 50 Units created, delivered from Manufacturer
    2. Working Application and firmware
    3. 220 hours @ $120/hr
    4. Prototype expenses $15,000
  3. Sell and prepare production for 20,000 units with first 1000 units delivered| 09/15/22
    1. 1,000 units delivered and operating
    2. 20,000 Unit pre-order
    3. 220 hours @ $120/hr
JessmFromEarth commented 2 years ago

@evergreendrose It's great to see you submitted a grant, I'll work with the team to review your grant as soon as we can.

hpssjellis commented 2 years ago

@evergreendrose do you have a link to how to make dApps with the EvergreenMiner and Chia network? Also do you need a miner to develop your dApps? I am just an interested Developer/Teacher?

evergreendrose commented 2 years ago

@hpssjellis dropping some links below, early days but the core objects made on CLVM are Chia Asset Tokens (CATs), smart tokens that contain logic. i.e clawbacks, NFT generation, etc.

You do not need a miner to develop dApps, they can be deployed in web or on desktop re or Also its worth clarifying that our longer term goal is to support dApps on multiple chains. Chia is lower hanging fruit as its linux client is full featured.


JessmFromEarth commented 2 years ago

The DeWi Grant Committee has reviewed this grant application and has moved to close this issue.

Thank you for submitting this Proposal.