dewv / project-management-pomodoro

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Stakeholder review of Inception phase progress #1

Closed smattingly closed 6 years ago

smattingly commented 6 years ago

1 Issue by smattingly,

The project begins in the Inception phase. Two to three weeks into the project, all success-critical stakeholders should meet and try to come to agreement on the following points.

We agree that the work products captured in this repository ...

Check the box for each item that is endorsed by all stakeholders. Then create a comment on this issue to document the outcome of the review. The comment should contain one of these three possible outcomes.

Finally, set the due date of the active milestone (LCO or LCA) for 2 to 3 weeks in the future, when the next stakeholder review will take place.

smattingly commented 6 years ago

Win conditions: file in this repo Scope of work: README and Issues in code repo Capability: all done before except OAuth: minor risk to be recorded Cost effective: no real constraints Risks documented in this repo

All the checklist items are complete, and the Life Cycle Objectives milestone is met. We agree to commit a higher level of resources to work toward the Life Cycle Architecture milestone, with another review in 2 to 3 weeks.