dexie / Dexie.js

A Minimalistic Wrapper for IndexedDB
Apache License 2.0
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dexie cloud db entries with image blob disapear #1988

Open retotito opened 1 month ago

retotito commented 1 month ago

Hy there I have been using some db entries containing small image blobs. It works fine with dexie js. But with dexie cloud, these db entries that contain image blobs, disapear somehow. Just after saving it to de db i can still get the entrie, but then it is gone. Probably after syncing to the dexie cloud.

Im also getting the following "rejection" in the sync response:

`Sync response Object { changes: (2) […], rejections: (1) […], dbId: "z9c1xige1", realms: (2) […], inviteRealms: [], serverRevision: "1:325", schema: {…} } ​ changes: Array [ {…}, {…} ] ​ dbId: "z9c1xige1" ​ inviteRealms: Array [] ​ realms: Array [ "rlm-public", "" ] ​ rejections: Array [ {…} ] ​​ 0: Object { name: "ReferenceError", message: "XMLHttpRequest is not defined", txid: "w0ytm4SqlruwS/yfXGD/qA==" } ​​ length: 1 ​​

: Array [] ​ schema: Object { notes: {…}, roles: {…}, images: {…}, … } ​ serverRevision: "1:325"`
dfahlander commented 1 month ago

Thanks 🙏 I'll try to reproduce

chestercharles commented 1 month ago

I'm encountering a similar issue. I'm able to save the file to IndexDB, but when I login with another client, the data that is synced has an empty object instead of the blob.

After upload:


When synced to another client:
