When using Solarized light in Iterm2, the font for ZSH autosuggestions is black and barely readable.
When using Solarized light in kitty, for some reason, the font is unreadable.
Please see the attached screenshot. Iterm2 is on the top, and kitty is on the bottom.
You can see that in kitty, the font for autosuggested completion is barely readable.
The value of the variable $ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_HIGHLIGHT_STYLE is set to fg=8 which corresponds to the black color.
When using Solarized light in Iterm2, the font for ZSH autosuggestions is black and barely readable. When using Solarized light in kitty, for some reason, the font is unreadable.
Please see the attached screenshot. Iterm2 is on the top, and kitty is on the bottom.
You can see that in kitty, the font for autosuggested completion is barely readable. The value of the variable
is set tofg=8
which corresponds to the black color.