dexter-psychometrics / dexter

Management, assessment, and psychometric analysis of data from educational and psychological tests
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Error in apply #1

Closed ElJefito closed 4 years ago

ElJefito commented 4 years ago

Hello from Western Australia where I am keen to try dextergui using R(Studio). I've made sure to have the latest verions of R(Studio) and also the latest R build (3.6.1?).


I can't work around the error I'm getting; hope you can see the screen snapshot having to do with:

Error in apply(sapply(restricted, startsWith, x = v), 1, any) : dim(X) must have a positive length

Thanks in advance for your assistance, Larry Nelson

jessekps commented 4 years ago

Hi Larry,

Thanks very much for your comment. This is definitely a bug. It has to do with restrictions in file system access, I guess I went overboard with the checks. This is something that’s hard for me to fix because it does not happen on all computers, not on any system I have access to at least.

I can make a new version available to you on github that I hope would solve the problem next Monday or Tuesday. Would you be willing to try that and let me know if it solves the problem? If so, I can send a new version to CRAN. Kind regards, Jesse

ElJefito commented 4 years ago

Hello Jesse, and wow, that was a fast response, thanks much!

Yes of course I will help out if I can. I run Windows 10 and also MacOS.

Cheers, Larry

jessekps commented 4 years ago

Hi Larry,

thanks again. I think I found and solved the issue. I am usually working on corporate computers with lots of disc/network restrictions and it seems I forgot to account for computers that have no such restrictions at all. So it was a rather silly mistake but with a very large impact nonetheless.

You should be able to install the new version with:


Please let me know if it works so I can update CRAN.

kind regards, Jesse

ElJefito commented 4 years ago

Jesse, it’s well into evening here, the sun set over two hours ago; tomorrow I have meetings all morning but, hopefully, will be able to take the new version for a test drive in the afternoon. I’ll be in touch as soon as I can, cheers, Larry

jessekps commented 4 years ago

Hi Larry,

of course. I did not mean to suggest immediately. Have a nice evening.

ElJefito commented 4 years ago


Some unsolicited observations on test drives of dextergui are attached.

I hope they may have some value.

Regards, Larry

jessekps commented 4 years ago

Hi Larry,

I'm sorry, I cannot see any attachment with your message. Can I assume that the original error is solved by the way?

Kind regards, Jesse

ElJefito commented 4 years ago

Hi Jesse, yes, it was solved.

I did a bit more fiddling with dextergui and sent another email the other day with two Word attachments (two docx files).

I bet you didn’t get that message?

Do you have another email address I might try?


jessekps commented 4 years ago

solved in dextergui 0.2.1, submitted to cran.