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Split Sections to Files #6

Open hasanbayatme opened 7 years ago

hasanbayatme commented 7 years ago


It is better to split sections to separated files for more readability and ease of use.

For example split section Node.js to a file.


Best Regards.

dexteryy commented 7 years ago

@EmpireWorld Thanks for the suggestion. It is a real problem that should be solved. However, a multi-page repo has its drawbacks, such as not being able to use browser's find feature, not being able to see the whole thing and scroll through all of it (like a mindmap).

I've got a plan to build a web app which can be automatically generated from the text pattern and structure in the current single-file document. A web app can be much more efficient and can support some useful features.

hasanbayatme commented 7 years ago

You can provide a table of contents file by links to the corresponding files. that supports browser search.

But the Web App idea is better.

Albwrt commented 7 years ago

Think you For that

tythewebguy commented 7 years ago

For what it's worth, I prefer having a single file.

Perhaps we can identify the problem being solved by splitting things into multiple files. There may be other solutions available.

hasanbayatme commented 7 years ago

He can provide both of them, first he made a single file, then he make multiple files. but it makes work harder for himself, because when he wants to edit the single file he should scrimmage with the big data. but when there were split content there is no need to scrimmage.

tythewebguy commented 7 years ago

Yes, but what exactly is the problem being solved? Is the problem readability and ease of use? If so, what makes it difficult to read and use? Jumping between TOC and content? The length of the content?

I'm just trying to understand the problem before jumping to a solution. There may be other solutions that make it easier to manage and use the content. Maybe multiple files is the way to go, but I'm just trying to take a step back and see the big picture instead of zooming in on a specific solution.

hasanbayatme commented 7 years ago

You are smart man, you are right, but the i am thinking about everyone behaviour.

Think about a mobile agent or tablet, it makes it hard for the user to find the wanted content.

Re: Yes, i mean the readability and ease of use for both reader and writer.

Re: The length of the content. Makes it hard for reader and writer. writer should search for the content in a long way but when he can it in a separated file.

If you have any solutions we are here to listen.

It is just a recommendation.


chuanqisun commented 6 years ago

Agree with you @dexteryy, reader experience and author experience are two somewhat conflicting forces. File splitting might help the author organize content but may undermine the search/find experience for the reader. It's key to think about who are the more value audience of this document. Another draw back is that once you split the files, inter-linking between files will become fragile.

ycaptain commented 3 years ago

@EmpireWorld Thanks for the suggestion. It is a real problem that should be solved. However, a multi-page repo has its drawbacks, such as not being able to use browser's find feature, not being able to see the whole thing and scroll through all of it (like a mindmap).

I've got a plan to build a web app which can be automatically generated from the text pattern and structure in the current single-file document. A web app can be much more efficient and can support some useful features.

Any progress? Maybe you can create a repo to start the web app and we could try to contribute to it.