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[FEATURE] Stableswap pairs on pancakeswap not visible #61

Open Sanher opened 5 months ago

Sanher commented 5 months ago

Discussed in

Originally posted by **Flamingobingo035** February 3, 2024 ### Steps No lps on pancakeswap under their stableswap section are visible in dext. Only v2 and v3 pools. Stableswap has been around for over a year now. Below you can find any stableswap pair to reference. Mcake is the best one to use as an example since all liquidity is in a stableswap pair ($9m) ### Which device are you using - [ ] Desktop Windows - [ ] Desktop MacOS - [ ] Desktop Linux - [X] Mobile browser - [ ] App ### (if aplicable) In which browsers are you seeing the problem? _No response_ ### (if aplicable) What version of the browser are you using? _No response_ ### (if aplicable) What mobile OS device are you using? None ### (if aplicable) Which mobile devices are you using? _No response_ ### (if aplicable) Which version of the device OS are you running? _No response_ ### In which page do you see the problem? _No response_ ### Additional Info _No response_
Sanher commented 5 months ago

Linked to dextools-io/backend#451

alb2001 commented 2 months ago

StableSwap pool: StableSwap factory:

Topic 0: 0xb2e76ae99761dc136e598d4a629bb347eccb9532a5f8bbd72e18467c3c34cc98 Swap events are exactly the same as Curve swap native. same topic id 0. same log structure. Example here: Curve: StableSwap:

alb2001 commented 2 months ago

However... I can't find an event for pair creation. There is a function on PancakeStableSwapTwoPoolDeployer which creates the pool. but doesn't emit an event:

function createSwapPair(
        address _tokenA,
        address _tokenB,
        uint256 _A,
        uint256 _fee,
        uint256 _admin_fee,
        address _admin,
        address _LP
    ) external onlyOwner returns (address) {
        require(_tokenA != address(0) && _tokenB != address(0) && _tokenA != _tokenB, "Illegal token");
        (address t0, address t1) = sortTokens(_tokenA, _tokenB);
        address[N_COINS] memory coins = [t0, t1];
        // create swap contract
        bytes memory bytecode = type(PancakeStableSwapTwoPool).creationCode;
        bytes32 salt = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(t0, t1, msg.sender, block.timestamp, block.chainid));
        address swapContract;
        assembly {
            swapContract := create2(0, add(bytecode, 32), mload(bytecode), salt)
        PancakeStableSwapTwoPool(swapContract).initialize(coins, _A, _fee, _admin_fee, _admin, _LP);

        return swapContract;
alb2001 commented 2 months ago

Looks like there are another 2 contracts involved, but its not displayed as the factory of the pool above. These other contracts have emitted an event to create the pair.

here's the log

topic0 are not in any of our exchange definitions. 0x4e4b290d6a2867680831ef72cd9296e15a5df4169e3d44b24cd3ce3ecd753327 0x48dc7a1b156fe3e70ed5ed0afcb307661905edf536f15bb5786e327ea1933532