dextorer / Sofa

A library for Android TV that extends the Leanback library functionalities
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"setHeadersTransitionOnBackEnabled" issue #2

Open msh-nayan opened 9 years ago

msh-nayan commented 9 years ago

first of all thanks for this brilliant library. I've a query regarding "setHeadersTransitionOnBackEnabled" functionality. If I use "BrowseFragment" then "setHeadersTransitionOnBackEnabled" (which is by default True) doesn't work. But If I use "BrowseSupportFragment" then "setHeadersTransitionOnBackEnabled" works properly. Can you please describle whats the issue behind this ??? Thanks

dextorer commented 9 years ago

Just got back from the holidays, will look into this in the next few days.

dextorer commented 9 years ago

I confirm the bug. However, I still haven't figured out the cause. It appears that FragmentManager's BackStack queue is null at some point, and for this reason the HeadersFragment is not popped and the Activity is simply finished.

Does this behavior happen with Leanback's BrowseFragment as well?