deyvidamgarten / MARVEL

MARVEL: Metagenomic Analyses and Retrieval of Viral Elements
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error in #2

Open Handymanalan opened 5 years ago

Handymanalan commented 5 years ago

Hi Deyvid,

I am installing MARVEL but upon the step of downloading the models, I received this error:

Error: File models/all_vogs_hmm_profiles_feb2018.hmm does not appear to be in a   recognized HMM format.

Error using hmmer tools (hmmpress). Verify if it is installed!

Is there some program missing from my HPC?

Nice logo btw.

Cheers and many thanks


Handymanalan commented 5 years ago

Hi Deyvid. This problem is solved but there is a new problem.

Whenever I used PROKKA version 1.7 it gives me an error message: Prokka did not end well

I then used PROKKA version 1.13 but it gave me this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 224, in <module> with open(input_folder + 'results/prokka/' + prefix + '/prokka_results_' + prefix + '.faa', 'r') as faa: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/srv/scratch/z3336178/MARVEL/example_data/bins_8k_refseq/results/prokka/NC_003157.5_caudo/prokka_results_NC_003157.5_caudo.faa'

Seems like PROKKA did not translate the nucleotide sequences as no faa files were found.

Is there a solution to this?

Cheers and many thanks
