dezihh / my-harmony-card

Not yet only another Remote Control for Logitech HARMONY COMPANION
MIT License
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Feature requests #4

Closed ArnolddeBolster closed 2 months ago

ArnolddeBolster commented 3 months ago


I gave it another try and reinstalled it and compared the my-harmony-card with the madmicio's one. The advantage for me using your card is that most of the buttons already contain the action belonging to the activity and for madmicio's remote I had to write several scripts for the action. Nevertheless it has the abillty to override buttons and offer some more flexibility in that way. The great disadvatnage of madmicio's remote is there is only 1 workin buttonrow and hope you are able to offer more in future.

Here my resultsof testing I would like to have same color settings like madmacio has. The OK and Up button didn't work for me with setupbox (TV kijken) Volume down does the same as volumeup with TV kijken I would like to have an optons to use icons for the extra buttonsrow(s) image

On the remote underneath I also have upperleft a button with a popup card with all my favorite TV channels and have such button also (not in this remote) for radio stations as well image

I hope this all helps or is possible for future enhancements

keep up the good work !!!

My madmicio's remote: image

colorscheme i used: colors: active-background-button-color: '#0080ff' deactive-background-button-color: '#f2f0fa' button-border-standard: rgba(0, 128, 255, .5) state-icon-active-color: '#0080ff' buttons: '#363538' text: white background: black

Extra sources I have on my remote for mediabox sources:

and this is the popup I use for TV channels image

dezihh commented 3 months ago

Hi, first thank you for your Feedback!

  1. More Buttons: I thought already about it. My idea: Add a new row and make it able to give a individual command and a individual device_id too
  2. Icons for Buttons: Must see how much effort, I will check it when I work on 1.
  3. OK Button: you can easy remap in the Syntax: OK: <new command> for each separate activity
  4. Up Button Actual no remapping possible. Which button do you mean? ChUp or DirectionUp?
  5. VolumeUp / Down Don't understand. You can switch VolumeUp and Down easily to a different device in your current activity by using volume_device_id
  6. PopUp Actual no idea how to implement. Madmicio is using for that the BrowserMod Service. I am unhappy with the behavior of the BrowserMod Service in general. Because of that, it is not implemented. To be honest, I thought about during development to implement the media_player as a card. But for the same reason (an I have no different idea to implement) this function was not released. If somebody else has a good idea how to implement without browsermod, I will think about it. :)

However, if the are still bugs in the card (or doc) I am willing to fix it, new feature will come in autumn or winter, because of my family ;-)

ArnolddeBolster commented 3 months ago

Hi, Your welcome, hopefully it can helps

  1. More Buttons: 2.Icons for Buttons: maybe the code from madmicio could help in the right direction for this works for me properly. I can share my cardcode how I have configured it to give you an impression 3.OK Button: gave it a try but no luck sofar with the syntax
  2. Up Button it's the DirectionUp which is not working
  3. the VolumeDown does the same as VolumeUp for the mediabox and adressed volume_device_id to the proper deviceid
    1. PopUp I use indeed BrowserMod Service and sofar never had issues The only thing I have configured is using 1 button to get the popup.

I understand new features are no priority. Family is most important :-)

Here is the code I use with the madmicio to give you an impression: card: type: vertical-stack cards:

dezihh commented 2 months ago


you are right, there was a mistake inside DirectionUp. Corrected. We'll find it in new Release. Regarding OK Button, see bottom of Readme. There is described, how to debug, which command is sent if button is pressed. I did a test on my system, I can remap the "OK" button.

For the future, please do me a favor: If you have feature requests, please try to add one request for each issue. Otherwise I will loose overview in the future :-/

Anyway: Thank you for your support and your Ideas

ArnolddeBolster commented 2 months ago

could you please help me on this one, I can not get configured the OK button with Enter command debugging did not give a clue

what wrong with my code: type: custom:my-harmony-card name: Harmony entity: remote.woonkamer tooltip: true activities: PowerOff: name: Poweroff device_id: -1 TV kijken: name: '41379770' device_id: '65398896' player_name: media_player.mediabox OK: command: Enter device_id: '65398896' Button1: name: MNu command: Menu tooltip: Menu Button2: name: Txt command: Teletext tooltip: Teletext Button3: name: Gui command: Guide tooltip: Guide Button4: name: DVR command: DVR tooltip: DVR volume_device_id: '65398896' Radio luisteren DAB: name: '41379771' device_id: '65398893' volume_device_id: '65398893' player_name: media_player.room1 Button1: name: prv command: PresetPrev tooltip: PresetPrev Button2: name: nxt command: PresetNext tooltip: PresetNext Button3: null Button4: null dimensions: scale: '0.99' border_width: 2px

dezihh commented 2 months ago

Please Try OK: Enter

ArnolddeBolster commented 2 months ago

I already tried that without succes. Strangely enough when I compare it with mamicio's remote the command is the same and works. ENTER: service: lghorizon.remote_key_press data: entity_id: media_player.mediabox remote_key: Enter

I also refreshed my browser and restarted HAS several times without succes

dezihh commented 2 months ago

Normally it can not be. In my installation ist is working. I do not see you indentation, maybe there is something wrong. Here a part of your config as code. Please check:

type: custom:my-harmony-card
name: Harmony
entity: remote.woonkamer
tooltip: true
        name: Poweroff
        device_id: -1
    TV kijken:
        name: '41379770'
        device_id: '65398896'
        player_name: media_player.mediabox
        OK: Enter
        device_id: '65398896'  <-- why they are to device_id for TV kijken?!
            name: MNu`
ArnolddeBolster commented 2 months ago

device_id was extra attempt to get it worked but changed that with no succes thru: TV kijken: name: '41379770' device_id: '65398896' volume_device_id: '65398894' player_name: media_player.mediabox OK: Enter Button1: name: MNu command: Menu tooltip: Menu

ArnolddeBolster commented 2 months ago

is this what you're looking for ?

                     <div class="ok_button ripple item_2_c"
                        style="border: solid 2px ${c}"
                        @click=${()=>{var t,e;return this._button(null!==(e=null===(t=this.config.activities[this._current_activity])||void 0===t?void 0:t.OK)&&void 0!==e?e:"OK")}}>

do i understand it right that OK results in OK instead of Enter ?

ArnolddeBolster commented 2 months ago

I'm terribely sorry for I found it out and it workes well. OK in combination with the deviceid had to be 'Select' instead of 'Enter'

If it's OK by you this feature request/bug report can be closed and I make separate feature request instead.

ArnolddeBolster commented 2 months ago

made seperate feature requets for open items this can be closed