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CW zero beat indication #1025

Closed S54AM closed 6 years ago

S54AM commented 7 years ago

Links below shows explanation of zero beat and interesting simple visual indicating circuit to match incoming CW signal to the sidetone to set exactly the same the TX frequency. I have operational this circuit using audio line output on mcHF as signal source and this addition is rely helpful. Is there any software solution to provide this option on the screen of mcHF (as KX3 has)?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Dxx-N2CVPI http://www.iz0kba.it/eng/cw-zero-beat.html

73, Marko, S54AM

DG9BFC commented 7 years ago

set your keybeep tone to 700hz set receiving tone to same tone height done (if done several times you will have that 700hz in your ear and can tune it by ear to be right on spot) the mchf also has a peak filter (set that manually to 700) ... that also helps to find the right spot cause that peak filter is very narrow hope that helps a bit

DD4WH commented 7 years ago

thanks for the interesting link to the KX3 feature and the wonderful explanation of zero beat! Did not know that the KX3 had a graphical and acoustical CW helper. Yes, you could do it like Sigi suggested. I am pretty convinced that it should be possible to implement a graphical helper for CW tuning without imposing any significant load on the STM32 processor in the UHSDR software:

S54AM commented 7 years ago

Thanks Sigi and Frank for your hints and explanations. If I am honest, we can easely survive without this feature because our good ears for music (HI) and known STM limits. I am going to do some experiments with fsk tone decoder xr2211

FSK/tone decoder as HW additon (modification). http://www.wb3aal.com/Pages/K6XX/K6XXCWIndicatorKit.htm

Idea how to use exsisted LED as indirect indicator (in mcHF red one) http://www.wb3aal.com/Pages/K6XX/K1-Front.jpg 73, Marko

s53dz commented 7 years ago

I think this is a very attractive enhancement. (Also the HW one.) As it has been said --> all needed data for the implementation being already calculated for the scope/waterfall display.

73 Bojan

db4ple commented 7 years ago

Hi Bojan, 'already calculated for the scope/waterfall display' -> may not be exactly true, the granularity of the fft bins depends on the zoom level. Only if the highest zoom level is acceptable as input (48000/256 -> 187,5 Hz) we always have what we want.

s53dz commented 7 years ago

Hm, :o so by choosing the Zero-Beat it should go temporally in the max FFT zoom. But where to get additional RAM to show the rest (frozen) spectrum then? How do they do it so well?

db4ple commented 7 years ago

Well it is just a matter of how narrow we have to be, not being a signal processing expert, I have no precise idea. BTW, if we "freeze" the screen, no additional ram is required, but we could also switch to the required zoom level for the time of detecting the beat, much simpler solution. 73 Danilo

s53dz commented 7 years ago

As RIT resolution in our case is 20 Hz and in other's maybe 10 Hz, I would say this is the target.

DD4WH commented 7 years ago

I think with quadratic interpolation we always have enough resolution regardless of chosen magnify mode (<5 Hz) And display will not be frozen but there could be a small tuning indicator inside the spectrum So no RAM and no additional horsepower needed, see SNAP mode, but with reusing the existing FFT values, not a new FFT As I said its on the list, but time is limited 😉 73 de Frank

DD4WH commented 7 years ago

I have added some info on this in the WIKI: https://github.com/df8oe/UHSDR/wiki/Automatic-Carrier-Frequency-Tuning-by-SNAP-MODE

DD4WH commented 7 years ago

While thinking about this again, there were some questions coming up, maybe someone of you can help me with that, because I know nearly nothing about CW:

s53dz commented 7 years ago


yes, good thinking. You are mainly right.

For me it would be the goal, for CW at least, to get a good help from radio like this:

  1. to have a zoomed graphical indication of zero-beat,
  2. as a bonus then, an automatic snap-on.

I think the mentioned graphical display of KX is just premium to have. Well zoomed, well done. Perhaps it could be done also by using an existing marker for TX but it should be at least zoomed-in no matter what zoom is being used.

73 Bojan

DG9BFC commented 7 years ago

1 you have it already 2 will come soon

s53dz commented 7 years ago


I don't think this is the same, considering what I wrote. A SNAP could be useful also in RTTY, where there are two carriers. An expected resolution to have effective SNAP-ON is around 10 Hz. It is not very helpful if you would have to switch the zoom manually to use this function. Just my opinion.

73 Bojan

S54AM commented 7 years ago

Hello to all,

I am not really CW freak, but on QRP, CW mode is my favourite for longer contacts. I would be happy, If on the screen CW sign starts flashing when side tone reaches 700Hz (+- 10Hz). I do not expect need for jumping on menus during QSO. Keep simple. Everything additional will be premium (tone button, possibility to preset side tone frq., grafics, ...). This is my opinion.

73, Marko

s53dz commented 7 years ago


D2.5.93: where do I switch on the SNAP helper display? (cw_decoder_config.snap_enable) With CW decoder=on, mode=CW I get only calculated WPM indication.

I did not measure the received WPM, but comparing to sent WPM it appears to be a difference.

TNX 73 Bojan

df8oe commented 7 years ago

Please take a look here:


73 Andreas

DD4WH commented 7 years ago

The WIKI knows it all ;-).


DD4WH commented 7 years ago

WPM value is based on "PARIS", so it can only be 100% accurate if you receive "PARIS" and compare that to sent "PARIS". How much deviation did you measure?

s53dz commented 7 years ago

Thanks to both of you, Yes, with wiki it is easier, if it is there already, hi.

Nice job, Frank, really. Now, if this proves safe it would be nice to be able to enable/disable SNAP mode just by long-press-toggling for example S1? As I suppose it eats some STM power.

As to PWM: no, as I said I have not measured yet. Just feeling as it is some 50% off. Do not take this as a fact, please. But, as you said, PARIS is the right reference here. When I calculate the word length I add 4 elements to close a CW word. So PARIS is 48 elements long.

EDIT: Scale is about +-120Hz? Now also the RIT step could be 10 Hz? EDIT2: And, perhaps also without explicitly enabling CW decode?

73 Bojan

db4ple commented 7 years ago

Hi, I transmitted with fldigi some CQ calls into a dummy and my WPM were after some time zooming into fldigis WPM value +/- 1 However although decoding correctly the displayed WPM goes only slowly to the "correct" value since it is heavily averaged and a slow response to changes. A simple CQ call is not long enough to adjust by more than a few WPM.

73 Danilo

s53dz commented 7 years ago

I see, then this averaging is the cause. No need to measure then. But on the other hand if you know the temporary element length (?), you can calculate the precise momentary WPM out of that.

tu = 60 sec / (48u * WPM)

where tu = element length 48u = PARIS length in units

73 Bojan

db4ple commented 7 years ago

Hi, you know that, I know that but the code doesn't. It does an average over the detected dits / dahs / spaces / wordspaces times. Which is the right thing to do considering the code is intended to work with hand sent morse code, which is much less precise in all aspects.

s53dz commented 7 years ago

Understood, as I just wanted to add a comment that the snap-helper is a great help, whereas counting WPM of a less help and importance here. At least to me. But if your intention is to help novice-hams using CW, of course, I can see benefit there.

Many thanks to all involved in this SNAP-helper enhancement!

I suppose in pushing SNAP further, by choosing SNAP function there could be an automatic switch to a maximum frequency encoder precision (10 Hz) for the time of active SNAP function. (As actually XIT would do.) Here also a 10 Hz RIT would bring a balance in setting precise frequency. I think an excellent frequency stability of mcHF HW allows for that.

73 Bojan

s53dz commented 7 years ago

D2.5.95: Nice work - the tune-helper. But it requires to switch on CW decoder manually. I suppose it would be nice improvement if the two menu lines would work independently:

The idea being to be able to choose only what you need.

EDIT: Further observation: Since the "Red" LED is somehow reserved for TX it would be perhaps better to use an RX LED for the CW decoder output.

73 Bojan

df8oe commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your ideas. All this is WIP and very early alpha stage - not yet ready and not reliable working at the moment. Hopefully we will approach satisfying functionality the next days. Some of the daily snapshots do show what is possible in decoding (but have other issues) - some do have mire functions but do not decode well. We will fit "the best of each of them" in the next versions ;)

73 Andreas

s53dz commented 7 years ago

Tune helper works well and only in CW-L mode. If you have the CW LSB/USB auto switched to on then you can finish in CW-U and you are out. So, the menu item CW LSB/USB auto is obsolete now?

73 Bojan

db4ple commented 7 years ago

This is alpha stage! CW-L problem fixed in next daily build

s53dz commented 7 years ago

D2.5.98: Report - Tune helper works well now in CW-L and CW-U.

73 Bojan

s53dz commented 7 years ago

I think TUNE HELPER works well. I suppose if you manage to implement just these two things:

then I suppose this issue is gone. Marko?

73 Bojan

db4ple commented 7 years ago

For the second item: we use the signal detection of the CW decoder to know when to measure the signal. Since it basically takes next to no time o do the CW decoding we can let it run all the time (just for the purpose of telling us that there is a CW signal (without showing the decoded output).

Why not let the tune helper run all the time in CW mode? Does not take too much processor time either, since we reuse the data from the waterfall / scope.

DD4WH commented 7 years ago

absolutely agreed:

BTW, I have a prototype of an "AGC"/"ATC" for the decoder threshold running already, but its not yet ready for alpha testing, too much "other" work at the moment . . .

73 Frank

s53dz commented 7 years ago

Nice thinking there about having the tool running, although wasting MCU's power when not needed in general is not a good idea. But hey, if the increase is small enough ... I think when talking about an accuracy of 1 Hz or better we are approaching the mcHF LO frequency accuracy already. At least at 30 MHz. But other HWs should probably improve that.

TNX 73 Bojan

S54AM commented 7 years ago


Also from my perspective tune helper should have possibility to be independent (from CW decoder) and always ON when you choose CW mode and when tune helper is ON in menu bar. Anyway I am amazed with current results. Bojan, Danilo and Andreas, big thanks for your effort on this issue.

73, Marko

DD4WH commented 7 years ago

OK, I try to summarize the next steps:

Re: accuracy: I was thinking about relative frequency accuracy, not absolute accuracy. It is not difficult to increase relative accuracy up to the sub-Hz-level (eg. the ZoomFFT could easily be extended to magnify-by-4096 which would lead to a spectrum display of about 6Hz wide, making the pixel resolution 0.02Hz = 20mHz ;-)). Dont know if anybody needs this, I experimentally implemented this in my Teensy Convolution SDR and it works astonishingly well for identifying carrier offset in MW broadcast stations (however update rate is one spectrum display every 4 seconds as a result of the basic DSP law that time and frequency accuracy are always negatively correlated!)

73 de Frank

s53dz commented 7 years ago


An excellent job and nice summary. TNX

Just a comment on the fourth bullet point: If you go SNAP TO you end-up on a decimated frequency (on 5 or 10 Hz boundary?) which would probably be not the same as a current frequency step. What will then be the frequency if one advance for one step? Rounding perhaps? Here I really don't know what others do. I have this difficulty when switching the mode (depending on the CW_display_mode) you can end-up on a frequency (side-tone arithmetic) which is on 50 Hz margin but the current frequency step is set to 100 Hz.

73 Bojan

DD4WH commented 7 years ago

good point. What accuracy would you wish for? We can build that into the firmware. Should we round the determined CW carrier frequency to the next 10Hz? [maximum deviation to your QSO partners freq would then be 5Hz] 73 de Frank

df8oe commented 7 years ago

I think we can leave it "as it is". A step is a step and will not be rounded. And a snap is a snap and may be aligned at a grid (but must not). Both are independent. If snap leads to 7.015.432 and your step is 100Hz, you would step +/- 100 Hz from this if you turn VFO knob.

But there is already an "align" function by tapping on "TUNE" field on LCD. At this stage it is aligning at 500Hz grid. This is of course extendable to every other grid (and can be conditionaly, too).

73 Andreas

s53dz commented 7 years ago

Frank, I think 10 Hz is enough, since the correspondent in CW can not use much less filter BW as 300 Hz. Hi. But, if you do so, then also RIT is to coarse ...

Andreas, I don't think that staying on the same decimated frequency that was done for one QSO only should be persistent! I am more for a wise way of rounding to a current step size. My opinion only.

73 Bojan

df8oe commented 7 years ago

All frequencies are same weighted. You throw in your psychologic argument of "round" frequencies - but what does mean for usage?

If I use an old analog receiver I do not know exact frequency and all is working well. My opinion only.

73 Bojan

df8oe commented 7 years ago

...and if you want to go to a "grid" - just tap on TUNE symbol on LCD... Both suggestions can be bundled. We only must discuss which conditions lead to what grid.

df8oe commented 7 years ago

Think about this: If you snapped to one CW signal you are landing at 123Hz. Why rounding to a special grid? If you turn VFO-knob and see the next interesting signal you snap to 456Hz - and are "on". What is the functional advantage to always be on a grid?

s53dz commented 7 years ago

Well, Andreas, actually we don't need a frequency display at all, we can just go SNAP TO or TAP TO a signal and do a QSO. Hi! Of course I do not agree to that. This display is also way to small to use it for a such frequent tapping. And please, see the frequencies on HF bands: they are mostly on 0 Hz or on side-tone (mistakenly) boundaries! Nowadays machines are very accurate. But I agree with you 100% for the old days and the good old analog VFO without steps.

Additional thought: When Marko said about the button SNAP I think now he has a point there. We see if one want to align his frequency to a correspondent then he has to use RIT (20 Hz) or a STEP of a usable value (10 Hz). Now if TUNE HELP would be quickly available (one touch away) then it could be also the frequency step appropriately lowered for the time function is ON. BTW: What is with a TUNE HELP function in SPLIT mode? Only for RX? Only for TX?

73 Bojan

df8oe commented 7 years ago

Yes - that's it! If I do want to start a QSO I just go the frequency and start QSO. It is not important what number this frequency doeas have. It must be in the borders of band - that's all. Most OMs do write on their QSL cards "40m" or "7MHz" - no interest in the other digits.

Shall we all others who do transmit on "not round frequencies" correct??

We are thinking different here...

TUNE HELP of course is only for RX. I do not see any technical base for TX.

73 Andreas

df8oe commented 7 years ago

I am using touch screen very intensively and I am very happy to have this mighty functionality. If I see a CW signal I just tap on it on waterfall or scope and I am "on". I mostly use this way for tuning. Only if I want big steps I use VFO knob. I do not agree LCD is too small for doing touch functions. TUNE field at the right bottom is a very big place - you can aim to it using fingernails 100%.

73 Andreas

df8oe commented 7 years ago

Again one argument against a grid:

If I do want to work a rare DX station which is working in split mode I do have the best chances, if I am not TXing at the same frequency all others do. If the others all are TXing on the same "rounded" frequency: it will be a luck for me who does translate some Hz beneath all others - hi...

s53dz commented 7 years ago

You mean only for TX, since by TUNE HELP we want to be with our TX exactly on correspondent's TX/RX. But, of course you are right, we are tuning to RX signal here. This is a goal. CW operator on receive does not care if his RX is 100 Hz away in a 300 Hz RX BW!

As I said, you don't need a frequency display at all, hi. Just use TX_OUT_OF_HAM_BANDS=OFF and that is it. But, please use also the newest function SNAP TO, as this way we could find your signal on frequency. :)

To your last point, yes, we need XIT (20 Hz or 10 Hz resolution) for that. Or, of course, an analogue-like VFO. Viva analogue!

I suppose if we choose STEP=1Hz and a complex dynamic tuning, we will have such an analogue-like tuning.

73 Bojan

DG9BFC commented 6 years ago

in my view the issue can be closed for now ... tune helper works fine ... snap to zerobeat function can be added later (if programmers are willing to do so) .... with the tunehelper you can tune very accurate to be on spot ... that should be ok for any normal cw op ... right?!?

s53dz commented 6 years ago

For me this CW_tune_helper works really great. Exceptionally great. Perhaps, I miss only what I said before:

turning TUNE HELPER to on independently of CW decoder = on.

Sigi, I am not a heavy CW OP, but I like any good support for CW work. By saying this, I can't tell if I am a "normal" or normal CW OP. Hi.

73 Bojan

s53dz commented 6 years ago

With the D2.5.109 the TuneHelper is switchable independent of CWdecoder. Nice work. This issue to be closed since there will probably be another for SNAP TO?

TNX 73 Bojan