dfaker / WebmGenerator

UI and Automation to cut, filter and join high quality webms, mp4s or gifs.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
524 stars 33 forks source link

Saving the project works for subclips but does not remember the filters #79

Closed LolicoreExpress closed 2 years ago

LolicoreExpress commented 2 years ago

As title says 😊

log from the command window:

2022-06-08 01:13:11,228 [MainThread ] [INFO ] Startup. C:\Program Files\WebmGenerator-win64-v3.24.1\lib\src C:\Program Files\WebmGenerator-win64-v3.24.1 C:\Program Files\WebmGenerator-win64-v3.24.1\lib\src C:\Program Files\WebmGenerator-win64-v3.24.1 [WinError 3] Specified path couldn't be found: 'resources\icons' cutselectionController loaded filter template load: Text filterSelectionController loaded composeController loaded 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get' Custom profile load 4Chan 3Meg Webm with no Sound.json Custom profile load: 4chan /tv/ - 3Meg webm with no sound Custom profile load 4Chan 4Meg Webm with sound.json Custom profile load: 4chan /gif/ - 4Meg webm with sound Custom profile load 4Chan 6Meg Webm with sound.json Custom profile load: 4chan /wsg/ - 6Meg webm with sound Custom profile load Discord 8M limit mp4.json Custom profile load: Discord basic 8M mp4 ['None', 'Default max quality mp4', 'Sub 4M max quality vp8 webm', 'Sub 100M max quality mp4', 'Sub 8M max quality mp4', '4chan /tv/ - 3Meg webm with no sound', '4chan /gif/ - 4Meg webm with sound', '4chan /wsg/ - 6Meg webm with sound', 'Discord basic 8M mp4'] mergeSelectionController loaded {'loadedFiles': ['D:/Videos/FILMS/Un homme qui dort/Un homme qui dort - 1974 - Bernard Queysanne.avi'], 'subclips': {'D:/Videos/FILMS/Un homme qui dort/Un homme qui dort - 1974 - Bernard Queysanne.avi': {'1': [476.3556338028169, 560.32], '2': [781.1502347417841, 843.2042253521126]}}, 'interestMarks': {}, 'subClipCounter': 2} tempSeclectedRid None self.subClipOrder ['1', '2'] recaculateFilters setSubclipIndex 2022-06-08 01:15:52,214 [MainThread ] [ERROR] getCurrentClip Exception Traceback (most recent call last): File "K:\WebmGenerator\src\filterSelectionUi.py", line 1999, in getCurrentClip TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not NoneType 2022-06-08 01:15:52,214 [MainThread ] [ERROR] getCurrentClip Exception Traceback (most recent call last): File "K:\WebmGenerator\src\filterSelectionUi.py", line 1999, in getCurrentClip TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not NoneType recaculateFilters setSubclipIndex {'start': 476.3556338028169, 'end': 560.32, 'filename': 'D:/Videos/FILMS/Un homme qui dort/Un homme qui dort - 1974 - Bernard Queysanne.avi', 'filters': [], 'filterexp': '', 'filterexpEncStage': ''} {'start': 476.3556338028169, 'end': 560.32, 'filename': 'D:/Videos/FILMS/Un homme qui dort/Un homme qui dort - 1974 - Bernard Queysanne.avi', 'filters': [], 'filterexp': '', 'filterexpEncStage': ''} float division by zero

dfaker commented 2 years ago

Yet another amazing film choice!

There's code in there for it but it's an imperfect restoration if I recall, behaves strangely over multiple repetitive saves, I'll look at re-enabling it and the encode tab persistence at some point.

LolicoreExpress commented 2 years ago

Yet another amazing film choice!

Hehe thanks. Great minds think alike I suppose 😁

Right, thank you ! It's not urgent or anything. Take all the time you need :)