dfalster / baad

BAAD: a Biomass And Allometry Database for woody plants
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Confusion about leaf biomass and number of individuals (Ribeiro2011) #140

Closed dbarneche closed 10 years ago

dbarneche commented 10 years ago

Sabina Riberio has replied the following for the question 'Please look at the final report for your dataset attached to the email we sent. Is the information correct?':

No. It seems there was some confusion. For all 118 trees we quantified leaves and wood biomass. However, as it was in the dry season, some species had no leaves. So in the final report, the "N" must be 118 for all the fields. It seems that in the description of leaf mass and aboveground mass the trees that had no leaves were excluded and I think this is not correct as all of them were assessed. Therefore, the min leaf mass should change to zero and the max. aboveground mass to 275.

How do we want to go about this?

dbarneche commented 10 years ago

Seems that you may have corrected this already using the new file provided via email?