dfe-analytical-services / r-training-course

Introductory training course for R, using the published School Workforce Census
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Edit/chapter contents #10

Closed TomFranklin closed 5 years ago

TomFranklin commented 6 years ago

Hi all,

Apologies for so many changes, I've gone from the start and finished at the end of the dplyr chapter. I've tried to keep changes within commits, but it seems bookdown adds a lot of noise when you change one thing and re-build the book.

In summary I've:

Preface: Changed the title of the book to "Introduction to R at DfE" and dded more reasoning around "why R" and motivated it with examples

Ch1: Added more screenshots of RStudio to walk people through the environment as they would load it (without script etc.)

Ch.2: Made the instructions to download the data more concise

Ch3: Added a bit about where you can code in RStudio and added a good coding practice bit at the bottom (3.3) which I'm in no way precious about, think Matt wants to look at that!

Ch4: Removed some functions and added a section about variable types. Have refered to the dplyr section to change variable classes with mutate.

Ch5: Removed due to conflicts with Ch6

Ch6: Trying to make the book more accessible to beginners, by building confidence in simpler functions to begin with and building. Removed sections such as "Mutate" and replaced with "Generating new columns" to try and allow it to be more accessible. Have also added a recoding section, arranging, explicitly renaming using rename rather than select (can be confusing to use select to rename for beginners).

I haven't changed the ggplot2 chapter or beyond, just want to see what you think so far, happy to discuss any changes and open to iterating them based on best practice.

adamrobinson361 commented 6 years ago

Can you remove the commit of the docs folder where the site is rendered. The automatic deployment pipeline relies on it not being in your gitignore so you have to just make sure not to check it in

TomFranklin commented 6 years ago

Hi Adam, I'm not quite sure how I can do that, could I ring you tomorrow to discuss how to do so? Thanks.

adamrobinson361 commented 6 years ago

@TomFranklin - as a quick fix to the docs problem you can just just delete the folder locally and commit and push that. Then next time you run the build just make sure you dont check it in

TomFranklin commented 6 years ago

Have deleted the docs folder locally now and pushed @adamrobinson361