dfinity / internet-identity

Internet Identity, a blockchain authentication system for the Internet Computer
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New (or no) captcha #915

Open dostro opened 2 years ago

dostro commented 2 years ago

The problem: A substantial number of users have been complaining about the captcha working unreliably on first attempt. Also people hate captchas.

Discussion suggestions:

frederikrothenberger commented 2 years ago

Hi @dostro

Thanks for raising this issue. The captcha served by II seems to me to be an II-specific issue that is better addressed in the II repository directly instead of the working group (which deals with IC platform related questions).

--> Transferred to II repository.

nmattia commented 2 years ago

A substantial number of users have been complaining about the captcha working unreliably on first attempt. Also people hate captchas.

Yeah, this is quite bad. The CAPTCHA was introduced as a stop-gap measure until "People Parties", but ... yeah. I think it's time we look for a more long-term solution.

Implement private access tokens so that users on supported devices/browsers won't need a captcha at all

Thanks for the great read! Didn't know of those. Support still seems to be limited but I'll try to dig out more info.

EDIT: links for future reference: