dfinke / ImportExcel

PowerShell module to import/export Excel spreadsheets, without Excel
Apache License 2.0
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At sign added to formula definition, causing broken formulas #1653

Open RobertoPrevato opened 2 weeks ago

RobertoPrevato commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, Can you please point me to a solution for the issue below?

I have data like in the CSV below, in a images.csv file.


I read the CSV and create an Excel file with formulas, like here:

$data = Import-Csv "images.csv"

$outputFileName = "Example$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmss').xlsx"

$xl = $data | Export-Excel $outputFileName `
    -Append `
    -WorksheetName "vms" `
    -TableStyle Medium16 `
    -AutoSize `

$ws = $xl.Workbook.Worksheets["vms"]

# Add columns with UNIQUE functions
$ws.Cells["G1"].Value = "unique offers"
$ws.Cells["G2"].Formula = "UNIQUE(Table1[offer])"

$ws.Cells["H1"].Value = "unique publishers"
$ws.Cells["H2"].Formula = "UNIQUE(Table1[publisher])"

$ws.Cells["I1"].Value = "unique skus"
$ws.Cells["I2"].Formula = "UNIQUE(Table1[sku])"

$ws.Cells["J1"].Value = "unique versions"
$ws.Cells["J2"].Formula = "UNIQUE(Table1[version])"

Write-Host "Writing to $outputFileName"
Close-ExcelPackage $xl

But for some reason, the Excel file is generated with broken formulas containing the '@' sign after the '=' sign.


Functions work when I remove the '@' sign.

I looked for information, tried using the FormulaR1C1 property instead of Formula and also the Set-ExcelRange method, but I always get the same result. I also tried adding formulas and saving the Excel in different steps.

Thank You for this wonderful library!

dfinke commented 2 weeks ago

@RobertoPrevato hmm, nothing off the top of my head where the @ is coming from

RobertoPrevato commented 2 weeks ago

@dfinke Thank You for taking the time to reply so fast. While I was googling for information, I saw a thread on StackOverflow about openpyxl, and apparently there is a way to tell Excel to handle a formula like an Array formula.



[UPDATE] this is the most interesting part: Formula vs Formula2 https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/excel/concepts/cells-and-ranges/range-formula-vs-formula2

If I find the answer, I will share it here. 👀