dfinke / PSAI

PowerShell AI module. Brings OpenAI to the console and scripts
MIT License
45 stars 7 forks source link

Model response returns entered prompt #10

Closed AdiM10root closed 1 week ago

AdiM10root commented 1 month ago

when running the following: Install-Module -Name PSAI -Scope CurrentUser -Force $env:OpenAIKey = "***" #replaced with my valid API Key Invoke-OAIChat -UserInput "what is the weather for today?"

I'm getting the following reply: what is the weather for today?

any question i ask, i get a reply with my original question: invoke-oaichat example

dfinke commented 1 month ago

Some folks get that. I cannot reproduce.

Have you had your account for a while? Did you add $ and buy credits? https://github.com/dfinke/PSAI/issues/5#issuecomment-2108939759

AdiM10root commented 2 weeks ago

I have toped-up the API credit and it solved the issue.

Thank you!


dfinke commented 2 weeks ago

A new version of PSAI is imminent. This was dropping the 'quota max reached' and should be fixed.