I am using asciidoc with vscode and looking for a way to transform asciidoc files to docx files. If is understand correctly pandoc is more markdown oriented or is asciidoc also usale for this putpose.
I tried the app vscode-pandox in vscode against a adoc file but receive the message
"Command 'Pandoc Render' resulted in an error (Command 'pandoc.render' not found. "
Is this the right way to go or is there a better alternative to trnasform adoc to docx?
I am using asciidoc with vscode and looking for a way to transform asciidoc files to docx files. If is understand correctly pandoc is more markdown oriented or is asciidoc also usale for this putpose.
I tried the app vscode-pandox in vscode against a adoc file but receive the message
"Command 'Pandoc Render' resulted in an error (Command 'pandoc.render' not found. "
Is this the right way to go or is there a better alternative to trnasform adoc to docx?