IRIS is configured to use a self-signed certificate by default. This is suitable for testing only. To use your own certificate, you need to
set the following environment variables:
KEY_FILENAME: The filename of the key file in the certificates/web_certificates directory at the root of the IRIS directory
CERT_FILENAME: The filename of the certificate file in the certificates/web_certificates directory at the root of the IRIS directory
Steps taken to change nginx cert:
$ vim ~/iris-web/.env
# I changed the following
# -- NGINX
$ openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 9999 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /home/core/.docker/iris-web/certificates/web_certificates
/iris_prod_key.pem -out /home/core/.docker/iris-web/certificates/web_certificates/iris_prod_crt.pem -subj "/C=US/ST=Any
Issue: it fails,- I realized that docker compose references the rootCA
Nginx doesnt load when certs are changed.
set the following environment variables:
Steps taken to change nginx cert:
Issue: it fails,- I realized that docker compose references the rootCA
Issue: script changing the all the certs: ( nginx fails to load )