Closed nxths closed 3 years ago
Using build system Stack prune-juice.exe: user error (Failed to parse imports due to ParseErrorBundle {bundleErrors = Tri vialError 7 (Just (Tokens ('{' :| ""))) (fromList [Tokens ('"' :| ""),Tokens ('(' :| ""),Tokens ('q' :| "ualified"),Label ('a' :| "lphanumeric character"),Label ('w' :| "hite space")]) :| [], bundlePosState = PosState {pstateInput = "import {-# SOURCE #-} Msg.Payload", pstateOffset = 0, pstateSourcePos = SourcePos {sourceName = "./src/AppEnv/Types.hs", sourceLine = Pos 1, sourceCol umn = Pos 1}, pstateTabWidth = Pos 8, pstateLinePrefix = ""}})
Seeing the above error running prune-juice.exe on a stack based project in WSL on Windows 10. Looks like it doesn't handle importing .hs-boot files?
@nxths does this fix your issue?
@dfithian thanks just tested with that commit, there's no longer a parse error
Seeing the above error running
on a stack based project in WSL on Windows 10. Looks like it doesn't handle importing .hs-boot files?