Select the Base object (the cube centered at 0,0,0)
Press Tab to enter Edit mode
Press the A key until no vertices are selected
Press Tab to exit Edit mode
Click "Create Inertials"
Observe that Phobos displays a divide-by-zero error
Press Tab to enter Edit mode
Select some, but not all, of the vertices
Press Tab to exit Edit mode
Click "Create Inertials"
Observe that Phobos displays an error "operands could not be broadcast together with shapes"
Expected result: The Create Inertials operation succeeds regardless of which vertices are selected in the mesh.
Actual result: See steps 7 and 12 above.
Summary: The "Create Inertials" operation fails unless all of the vertices in a visual geometry object are selected.
Steps to Reproduce:
Expected result: The Create Inertials operation succeeds regardless of which vertices are selected in the mesh. Actual result: See steps 7 and 12 above.