dfm / Star-Field

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We should address Hogg's comment re: optimal scaling of <number of stars> vs. <detection threshold> #14

Closed dfm closed 11 years ago

dfm commented 11 years ago

In @davidwhogg's email (Nov. 8):

Fig 6: ... Can you also show, to guide the eye, some idea of what the dashed line should look like as a function of threshold if the catalog was being cut properly at the threshold? I think this might be slightly hard to do exactly, but we can probably hack something up that is about right so that Test Case 1 matches at high threshold.

eggplantbren commented 11 years ago

I could do this if I knew the mapping between flux and number of sigmas. It might be possible to just match the curves at the high-sigma end. Anyway, I've written about this in words in the caption, which helps.

davidwhogg commented 11 years ago

Yeah, I would just match the curves at the bright end.

eggplantbren commented 11 years ago

The new cumulative luminosity function plot essentially does this.