I am looking to identify the most relevant herring samples to analyze for my CSRF project on herring. I would like to use some of the samples from the Northumberland strait survey, and I was wondering if you could possibly assist me to extract the following metadata from the NS survey mission : a list of sets or stations where herring were caught, including the number of herring sampled (brought back to be processed at GFC), the GPS coordinates of the stations, and whether an eDNA sample was done at this station or not (for this project I’m only interested in samples from stations where eDNA was collected) ?
I am looking to identify the most relevant herring samples to analyze for my CSRF project on herring. I would like to use some of the samples from the Northumberland strait survey, and I was wondering if you could possibly assist me to extract the following metadata from the NS survey mission : a list of sets or stations where herring were caught, including the number of herring sampled (brought back to be processed at GFC), the GPS coordinates of the stations, and whether an eDNA sample was done at this station or not (for this project I’m only interested in samples from stations where eDNA was collected) ?