dfo-pacific-science / data-stewardship-unit

A quarto project that generates that DSU website via Github actions
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Figure out which inventories are complete/up to date and how we can contribute to them #58

Closed Br-Johnson closed 3 weeks ago

Br-Johnson commented 1 month ago

See Summary of Data Inventory Platforms for a complete overview.

How do we determine where datasets inventoried by DSU will reside?

Br-Johnson commented 1 month ago

Anna and I talked with Peter and learned:

Next steps are to meet with the maintainers of the Pacific Science Data Inventory on DM Apps to get a sense of their vision for the inventory, whether they've had any discussions with the OCDS for linking to their Data Steward Registry, or incorporating that into their metadata profile.

Peter mentioned it would be easy to integrate the OCDS Data Steward Registry with his Power App, but OCDS thought they might aim for a solution from CDOS.

Decision was made for DSU to contribute new discoveries of un-managed datasets to Peter's Power App for the time being seeing as this is the most up to date, despite having limitations regarding licensing. THe DM Apps Science Data Inventory has a desirable feature that power apps does not, which is the ability to export a metadata file that can be directly imported to EDH. \

Peter will send a link to make additions to the Power Apps inventory (must be assigned as an admin) and also to send a network scan which may aid in the identification of unmanaged datasets.

We will continue to identify requirements and work towards an ideal/sustainable data inventory solution.

Br-Johnson commented 1 month ago

Useful feedback from Cory Lagasse:

One of the key outcomes that I’d really like to see come out of this work is a straightforward, comprehensive document internal to DFO staff explaining the current landscape of data repositories, inventories and data sets related to salmon. It’s crazy to me how difficult it is to make sense of the data landscape for Pacific salmon in BC, and there is just no comprehensive documentation of where to find DFO data sets. Could we develop something like the groundfish website? http://dfbcv9twvasp001/sql/ Granted this is a bit dated now, but still a really useful resource. Salmon data is much more complex and decentralized, but it should still be possible to explain what’s out there, even if it’s in several different places.

[Pacific Salmon Data Inventory - Phase 2] (https://086gc.sharepoint.com/:l:/s/StrategicDataCommittee/FJOKUrrZlmVHjklWeRcq6fEBOiy23U3FUk3nMNNAhmKx7g?e=TnrbWH&xsdata=MDV8MDJ8QnJldHQuSm9obnNvbkBkZm8tbXBvLmdjLmNhfGU0MmE0ODcxMmU4YjQ3Y2NiZDc4MDhkY2NlYmQyMWM0fDE1OTRmZGFlYTFkOTQ0MDU5MTVkMDExNDY3MjM0MzM4fDB8MHw2Mzg2MTI1NTg5NjMyNTM5OTd8VW5rbm93bnxUV0ZwYkdac2IzZDhleUpXSWpvaU1DNHdMakF3TURBaUxDSlFJam9pVjJsdU16SWlMQ0pCVGlJNklrMWhhV3dpTENKWFZDSTZNbjA9fDB8fHw%3d&sdata=b0pGQmY3bDcrM2hQZ1pXY0FTSVEzcXhlUXdnWFdya3l2aFl3SEpOVFIzTT0%3d) - the PSSI SDU created this list. I think it could have been useful, but is too focused on characterizing the technical details around the data rather than the biological information it represents. Also, it’s got a lot of holes in the information to describe data sets and what is represented.

We should take this into account when considering what to do with salmon data inventorying.

AnnaD-M commented 1 month ago

Summary of Data Inventory Platforms