Open chuds001 opened 4 years ago
I’m very happy that my kexts worked well for you; I know there are many problems with this card, and i’m trying to figure out how to fix them,but i want to inform you that unfortunately a few days has broken my t450s, and I’m thinking whether to buy another t450 or whether to change computers,also because i own the t450s from 2016,in any case if i change my pc i will warn you!
关于这类卡的一些说明 1,BCM94350ZAE_2和BCM94356ZEPA50DX_2这两种卡,如果是1028:XXXX的都是dell的,联想00jt494应该是17aa:075a(1028是dell,17aa是联想) 2,在T450s上应该都可以用,我的是17aa:075a,Axelpop测试了其他几个卡 3,使用方法:一是按照Axelpop的EFI,一是加pci-aspm-default。注意加pci-aspm-default是要删除FakePCID 5,用Axelpop的EFI是注入,首先是kext文件,并且加入AirportBrcmFixup.kext 4,由于T450s有无独显和有独显之分(低高配),网卡也各自不同,所以使用方法可能有所不同。 4353,用AirPortBrcm4360.kext,记得Wi-Fi中显示是第三方网卡;加pci-aspm-default是使用AirPortbrcmNIC.kext,Wi-Fi中显示是AirPort Extreme。我测试的情况感觉没什么不同。
我新换了一张卡0vw3t3 bcm94356 1028:0021,刚安装上可以使用,正在测试过程中。
@Axelpop In your wifi driver, I found the FakePCIID_Broadcom_WiFi.kext will cause a panic on reboot (reboot only). I solved it by simply removing it and wifi still works well. If you have similar problem, you can try this.
@Axelpop Do you think this would be a good choice?
I already bought a BCM94360CD with adapter but it's not being recognized in the system so the card is probably dead so I'm gonna have to order another one.
And for the CS2 card, would I need adapters for the antennas as well?
@i3p9 Yes it is a good choice, but i recommend you to check carefully if your card is really dead, for these cards are unpredictable... -of BCM94360(XX) there are many revisions of model, so i can’t confirm if you need adapters for antennas.
@Axelpop There's the problem though. I have no other way to check the card other than putting it inside my T450s. Maybe the adapter is toast? Who knows? I can't figure it out.
And for the antennas I just tried to attach the card without antennas cause if it gets recognized it'll get recognized with or without the antennas (though the range would suck)
How else do you think I should test the card? Thanks for your help!
@i3p9 -The first thing i would do is a bios reset, and i would install win10 to see if it’s detected in the peripherals, that’s the easiest thing you can do.Osx in these things is not reliable..... -the best test would be with a multimeter if you own it. If you know a bit of electronics and soldering it is not difficult to repair those boards. -Also check the adapter (NGFF) to check if the pins still lead current, you can try with a battery with a led or a buzzer connected….
@Axelpop Okay oh my god that's a lot of ways that didn't even cross my mind. I can do the first step easily and for the second step, I've got some questions. Since I come from a software background, I'm rusty in the hardware part.
So do I test my card or the adapter with the multimeter?
And for the third step, can you show me a way online on how to do it?
And if you have other means of communication during I do all this that's more instant, that'd me amazing if you're willing to share. Discord/iMessage would work for me. Even an email would be amazing. Thanks so much for helping me out!
@i3p9 Unfortunately my spoken English is not good for anything, so i would prefer to write, Leave me the email and I’ll contact you.
@Axelpop No problem at all. We don't need to speak about anything just writing is fine. I meant where it's faster so you can see what's wrong with my card.
My email is
, send me an email and I'll email back with results of BIOS reset. I took some photos to help you troubleshoot the issue. Thanks so much for taking time out of your schedule to help me out!
Got the 1820A 00JT494 (Exact same as Echo's) and my WiFi is not working at all. When using the exact same EFI as Echo, system gets a panic while booting. When I disable the Wifi via BIOS it boots fine and bluetooth also works. Can anyone recommend me what to do now? I'm on 10.15.3 right now.
More info about my issue here:
My computer is also T450S and also has a DW1820A, you can drive it. Can you tell me how you use it? Did you put the files in the DW1820A folder into the Kext directory and merge the Config.plist with the Config.plist in the OC directory?