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root executes the installation, and the headset noise still exists after restarting. #39

Open zhiapp-com opened 4 years ago

zhiapp-com commented 4 years ago

alc_fix root executes the installation, and the headset noise still exists after restarting. test os macOS Catalina 10.15.4

zzhang39 commented 3 years ago

Same here

zzhang39 commented 3 years ago

@zhiapp-com ========issue resolved when restart alc_fix not working,, have to re-run========= spend me several hours to get this resolved. The install.sh from alc_fix generate the com.echo.ALCPlugFix.plist which stored under launchdaemons which will start "com.echo.ALCPlugFix" automatically during the boot process. The issue is actually that "com.echo.ALCPlugFix" running to early before something else(i don't know which one) get loaded. after reboot and startup, if you simply unload and reload the com.echo.ALCPlugFix.plist, the issue just resolved. sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.echo.ALCPlugFix.plist sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.echo.ALCPlugFix.plist To resolve this issue: my 1st thought is trying to delay the start of com.echo.ALCPlugFix.plist, i have tried config.plist boot arg alcdelay=3000 which not working. then i read the plist and notice it actually calling "/usr/bin/ALCPlugFix". it looks like there's no way to set delay in the plist itself, so if we go this path, the only way is go into the source code of ALCPlugFix, add delay over there. since i am not familiar with it's source code, i give up this direction.

now the 2nd thought, once boot into the system, we can automate the above two script running. after google, i use the macos tool automator create a shell script application, then add it as macos startup application. issue resolved!!

ps: the shell script needs to be using sudo -S like below, to bypass the password promote. (replace to your actual password) echo password | sudo -S launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.echo.ALCPlugFix.plist sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.echo.ALCPlugFix.plist

ps: if anyone knows how to update the ALCPlugFix source code and put delay there.... please do it and update me! Thanks