dftlibs / numgrid

Numerical integration grid for molecules.
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[Feature] make it possible to generate grids without basis sets #8

Closed bast closed 5 years ago

bast commented 7 years ago

@robertodr do you have an idea how we can define a good default exponent range for atoms?

bast commented 7 years ago

Or in other words a default radial range.

robertodr commented 7 years ago

Maybe you can use van der Waals radii? Another solution would be to have a higher level API function that takes only the atomic centers and their charges and then calls the lower level API function where only the tightest and most diffuse basis functions from a Dunning basis set are retained for each atom. This could be done by table lookup, I think.

bast commented 7 years ago

Merging this with issue #17 discussion (suggested by @aspgomes):

bast commented 6 years ago

@aspgomes so after some thinking and prototyping I will enable the higher-level API which calls the lower-level API:

context = numgrid.new_atom_grid(radial_precision,

So the higher level-API will not ask for alpha_max, max_l_quantum_numbers, and alpha_min and instead use table lookup.

I am unsure about:

Your recommendations/thoughts will help me a lot to unblock the above. Programming-wise it's then trivial - I have code ready that extracts the data from basis sets and creates a table.

Of course one could imagine providing a basis set as argument but I don't want to have an entire basis set library in Numgrid. But one could imagine fetching this from the web but this is for later.

aspgomes commented 6 years ago

@bast for the basis sets, i would go for the dyall.v3z since these cover the whole of the periodic table.

now, you say you've implemented a table lookup, and that you have code that reads a basis set and creates a table that, if understood correctly, takes the place of alpha_max, max_l_quantum_numbers, and alpha_min.

from this, perhaps what can be done is to have this code as a method you can use from outside new_atom_grid (or its higher/lower-level analogue, see below). this way, you can use it to read any basis (and not have to story anything in numgrid, which i agree would be a mess), and then pass this table to new_atom_grid. what you'd then do with the dyall.v3z is to have it as bulit-in table, if nothing has been passed as (optional?) argument.

with a solution like this (pass a table - or any other object describing the basis - to new_atom_grid), you'd also be able to have methods that extend the tables towards the core or valence, but implement these later.

about the naming, unless it breaks too many things, perhaps keep new_atom_grid as the exposed api and rename the one which is wrapped ? otherwise i'm not good on ideas, but i probable wouldn't use a name of a basis set.

bast commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the input - I agree with dyall.v3z. I will brainstorm a bit more - quite busy before Friday but I plan to implement this over the weekend.

bast commented 6 years ago

@aspgomes I have finally implemented something: the code is on the tabulated-basis branch. It is using dyall.v3z under the hood.


You can pip install using:

$ pip install git+https://github.com/dftlibs/numgrid.git@tabulated-basis

Few thoughts/issues:

Let us test and sleep on it a bit. I would appreciate if you could test it on your end.

bast commented 5 years ago

Also I will experiment with https://github.com/MolSSI-BSE/basis_set_exchange which might solve all my problems (at least using the Python layer).

bast commented 5 years ago

I think I will go for https://github.com/MolSSI-BSE/basis_set_exchange which looks really nice. This will remove a lot of my code and give you a lot of flexibility so better don't test yet. I will generalize this in the coming two weeks.

bast commented 5 years ago

The BSE interface is now implemented: https://github.com/dftlibs/numgrid#avoiding-explicit-exponent-ranges. This is much nicer than the previous approach using tabulated sets.

robertodr commented 5 years ago

:+1: :octopus: