Closed bazooka70 closed 6 years ago
I just pushed
to nuget, which add a parameter to GetUnspentCoins
to specify if you want only what is confirmed or not.
For the balance use coins.Select(c => c.Amount).Sum()
@NicolasDorier Thanks! Do I also need to update/recompile the server?
Also, shouldn't the onlyConfirmed
parameter needs to be added to the
var keys = utxos.GetKeys(extMasterKey);
BTW, for now I resolved this problem like this:
var utxos = client.GetUTXOs(userDerivationScheme, null, false);
var coins = utxos.GetUnspentCoins(); // include unConfirmed
var balance = coins.Sum(x => x.Amount.ToDecimal(MoneyUnit.BTC));
List<Coin> coinsConfirmed = new List<Coin>();
var utxoConfirmed = utxos.Confirmed.UTXOs;
foreach (var utx in utxoConfirmed)
Console.WriteLine($"utx.Value-> {utx.Value.ToUnit(MoneyUnit.BTC)} utx.Confirmations-> {utx.Confirmations}");
var balanceConfirmed = coinsConfirmed.Sum(x => x.Amount.ToDecimal(MoneyUnit.BTC));
Console.WriteLine($"balanceConfirmed-> {balanceConfirmed}");
var balanceUnConfirmed = balance - balanceConfirmed;
Console.WriteLine($"balanceUnConfirmed-> {balanceUnConfirmed}");
for now I added an extension:
public static Key[] GetKeys(this UTXOChanges utxos, ExtKey extKey, bool onlyConfirmed)
return utxos.GetUnspentUTXOs(onlyConfirmed).Select(u => extKey.Derive(u.KeyPath).PrivateKey).ToArray();
But I'm not sure it is correct to pass the GetUnspentCoins(true) and GetKeys(userExtKey, true) to the transaction builder. will it resolve the correct Keys for the TxIn e.g.?
var coins = utxos.GetUnspentCoins(true);
var keys = utxos.GetKeys(userExtKey, true);
TransactionBuilder builder = new TransactionBuilder();
Recompile the server yes, I added some info inside GetStatus as well.
Good point for GetKeys. Can you make a PR ?
Yes it will resolve things just fine.
Just to be sure, If I useGetUnspentCoins(onlyConfirmed: true);
I need to use my extension utxos.GetKeys(..., onlyConfirmed: true)
, or it does not matter?
Can you make a PR ?
If you mean a pull request, I'm not sure how to do it... I can give it a try :)
You need to use your extension.
One question though: with onlyConfirmed:true
do you want to remove UTXOs which has been spent on an unconfirmed transaction?
I pushed GetKeys with onlyconfirmed (
If onlyConfirmed is true, just remember that anything unconfirmed is completely ignored.
One question though: with onlyConfirmed:true do you want to remove UTXOs which has been spent on an unconfirmed transaction?
Good question. I do not allow to spend any unconfirmed transactions. not even for testing. so "anything unconfirmed is completely ignored" is good for me. :) thanks!
And again, do I need to clone and recompile the server for each modification in the client (for e,g, version
no, this change is client only.
Can you closed the issues you opened that has been responded and which are still open?
From the docs:
If you want to spend those UTXOs:
If I understand correctly this will spend unconfirmed coins also. how do I get only the confirmed coins (and the number of confirmations) from:
var coins = utxos.GetUnspentCoins();
Also, how to get Balance of confirmed and unconfirmed coins, same as