dgarijo / Widoco

Wizard for documenting ontologies. WIDOCO is a step by step generator of HTML templates with the documentation of your ontology. It uses the LODE environment to create part of the template.
Apache License 2.0
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Publishing new ontology versions (how-to is unclear to me) #365

Open SvenLieber opened 5 years ago

SvenLieber commented 5 years ago

How could the publishing workflow for new ontology versions look like via the commandline? The documentation regarding initial and subsequent calls was not clear to me.

Assuming I have https://example.org/ns/my-ontology# as namespace and furthermore specify within the ontology file owl:versionIRI <https://example.org/ns/my-ontology/0.1#>.

For the initial version I would like to have the documentation and ontology serializations under /ns/my-ontology/0.1 as well as under /ns/my-ontology (related questions: should there be a /ns/my-ontology/latest, and if how to configure it with widoco respectively .htaccess?)

For each new ontology version I would like to have an updated version under the main URI (or a redirect from latest? not sure what the recommended way is) https://example.org/ns/my-ontology#, as well as a corresponding version https://example.org/ns/my-ontology/0.2.

How do I have to wire things together to have resolvable links for the initial and latest version and other versions?

Based on my previous trials (see below) I assume I have to call widoco multiple times with different output folders and manual copying of previously generated documentation and serializations.

Calling widoco the following way does not create a subfolder for the ontology version.

  java -jar widoco-1.4.11-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
  -ontFile my-ontology.owl \
  -outFolder ./ns/my-ontology \
  -getOntologyMetadata \
  -oops \
  -rewriteAll \
  -saveConfig my-ontology-widoco.conf \
  -lang en \
  -htaccess \
  -webVowl \
  -licensius \
  -rewriteBase /ns/my-ontology

A subsequent call with the following command on an updated ontology file with new owl:versionIRI and recommended owl:previousVersion <https://example.org/ns/my-ontology/0.1> . also does not produce documentation of the specified version in a subdirectory.

  java -jar widoco-1.4.11-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
  -ontFile my-ontology.owl \
  -outFolder  ./ns/my-ontology \
  -getOntologyMetadata \
  -oops \
  -crossRef \
  -confFile my-ontology-widoco.conf \
  -lang en \
  -htaccess \
  -webVowl \
  -licensius \
dgarijo commented 5 years ago

@SvenLieber, while WIDOCO publishes an htcaccess for a particular version of an ontology, it does not not address linking to previous versions of the ontology automatically in an htaccess. The "previousVersion" flag is used to create a changelog with the differences of previous versions.

At the moment you would have to invoke WIDOCO independently for each version on a different folder. What I do is to have a redirect to the latest version in an external htaccess file (e.g., w3id.org).

Supporting this functionality would be nice indeed.