dgarijo / Widoco

Wizard for documenting ontologies. WIDOCO is a step by step generator of HTML templates with the documentation of your ontology. It uses the LODE environment to create part of the template.
Apache License 2.0
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Support for diagram (schema:image) per owl:Class #401

Open ycespb opened 4 years ago

ycespb commented 4 years ago

It would be useful to be able to include a diagram for each individual class (owl:Class) using the “schema:image” element (already described in the Best Practice document) instead of only allowing a diagram at vocabulary level. This would allow including a diagram such as https://github.com/ESIPFed/science-on-schema.org/blob/master/assets/diagrams/dataset/dataset_basic-fields.svg.

A further enhancement might be to be able to have such (or similar) class-centered diagram created by the software e.g. using PlantUML or other) for each class and included in the document for each class showing immediate properties (with arrow to datatype or other class).

seralf commented 4 years ago

+1 for plantUML: it's a great tool, and the server is written in Java (I developed a POC generating some diagrams from RDF/OWL, if I'll find some time I could share it)