dgarijo / Widoco

Wizard for documenting ontologies. WIDOCO is a step by step generator of HTML templates with the documentation of your ontology. It uses the LODE environment to create part of the template.
Apache License 2.0
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Allow relative links to images, or links related to the same branch #702

Open Zack-83 opened 2 months ago

Zack-83 commented 2 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. GitHub-Markdown (or GitLab-Markdown) supports relative links. Therefore it is possible to include, within a document with path //documentation/1.Introduction.md, an image belonging to a "sister" folder, e.g. //visualizations/BuildingBlocks.png.

Widoco does not support that, which forces us to use the full (absolute) path https://git.rwth-aachen.de/nfdi4ing/metadata4ing/metadata4ing/-/blob/develop/visualizations/BuildingBlocks.svg to include an image fom a different folder.

The disadvantage is that the full path contains also the branch. Therefore, if we have more branches at different maturity stages, the documentation for all branches will include always images from one branch, may it be the latest or the earliest, which often creates anachronysms.

Is there a solution for that?

dgarijo commented 2 months ago

One option is to create multiple releases, using the direct links to the corresponding file. The HTML just renders markdown, so if something is supported in markdown it should work too. That said, the sections are loaded dynamically, so I'd use the uniteSections flag