dgarijo / Widoco

Wizard for documenting ontologies. WIDOCO is a step by step generator of HTML templates with the documentation of your ontology. It uses the LODE environment to create part of the template.
Apache License 2.0
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Documentation not created #706

Closed lucaturchet closed 1 month ago

lucaturchet commented 1 month ago

I have issues with the generation of the documentation. My owl file loads with no errors (please find it attached) MUSICO_light.owl.txt However, when I generate the documentation I only get a few sections. I loaded as .txt files the abstract, description and references but these are not included. The VOWEL visualization is not integrated. If I check the html file in the related folder I get the error "Failed to load: ontology ERROR STATUS: 0". Finally, the SWRL rules are not displayed.

I am on a MacOS. I run the latest release with JDK 17.

dgarijo commented 1 month ago

I don't get an error generating the documentation.

The failed to load error is usually seen when you open your ontology doc locally instead of putting it in a server (that usually fixes the issue), if you put it in github, e.g., through github pages, you will be able to see it fine. For example, I put it in a test repo and I can see everything fine: http://dgarijo.github.io/test/musico/index-en.html

Related doc: https://github.com/dgarijo/Widoco?tab=readme-ov-file#browser-issues-why-cant-i-see-the-generated-documentation--visualization

dgarijo commented 1 month ago

And the SWRL rules seem also fine. It looks like you just need to properly serve the doc

lucaturchet commented 1 month ago

Thanks. I have my owl file online, but when I load it via widoco I get the error that "The ontology could not be loaded". If I use the local file it can bel loaded and passes the synthax checks.

The file is accessible here: https://github.com/lucaturchet/musico/blob/master/MUSICO_light.owl

Any idea? As I mentioned, I am on a MacOS. I am running the latest release with JDK 17.

dgarijo commented 1 month ago

Yes, that happens because https://github.com/lucaturchet/musico/blob/master/MUSICO_light.owl is not an OWL file. It is an HTML website showing an owl file. The owl file is at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lucaturchet/musico/master/MUSICO_light.owl

lucaturchet commented 1 month ago


lucaturchet commented 1 month ago

I can load the ontology using the GitHub link and the documentation is generated, but I still get the initial issue encountered when using the local file: when I generate the documentation I only get a few sections. I loaded as .txt files the abstract, description and references but these are not included. The VOWEL visualization is not integrated. If I check the html file in the related folder I get the error "Failed to load: ontology ERROR STATUS: 0". Finally, the SWRL rules are not displayed.

dgarijo commented 1 month ago

@lucaturchet sorry, is this another error?

lucaturchet commented 1 month ago

no it is the very same one, replicated using the URL instead of the local file

dgarijo commented 1 month ago

you have to use the raw.github link, not the github link. I tested it out in Widoco and it works ok

lucaturchet commented 1 month ago

Yes I am using it. This one to clarify https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lucaturchet/musico/master/MUSICO_light.owl

dgarijo commented 1 month ago

So the URL works, the documentation is generated, and in order to host it, you should set up a server, as I said in my original response. Or add it in GitHub pages, as I did

lucaturchet commented 1 month ago

Thanks now I understand. Then I would suggest to amend the final page of the software stating to visualize the result on the browser, just my five cents

dgarijo commented 1 month ago

@lucaturchet that's why we have https://github.com/dgarijo/Widoco?tab=readme-ov-file#browser-issues-why-cant-i-see-the-generated-documentation--visualization. I would not want to pollute the final documentation, since that would make everyone have to go back and delete the warning. Unless there is a way of detecting that the content could not be loaded in javascript, and show an alert (I am not sure if it's possible). Thanks!

lucaturchet commented 1 month ago

I see thanks. I have one final question. I managed to create the documentation and place it online: https://lucaturchet.github.io/musico/

However, in this new version of widoco it seems that webvowel is not integrated in the main page, but the visualization is only accessible via the link. I would like to have the visualization embedded in the same page. This is what I did in all other previous ontologies (e.g., https://lucaturchet.github.io/smi_ontology/). Any suggestion? Maybe amending the index.html file?

Also I would be grateful to you if you could remove from your account the page used for test (http://dgarijo.github.io/test/musico/index-en.html)

dgarijo commented 1 month ago

The documentation generates the webvowl visualization (http://dgarijo.github.io/test/musico/index-en.html is generated with the latest version). It looks like you modified the introduction section and removed it.

dgarijo commented 1 month ago

I removed serving the doc from the test repository

lucaturchet commented 1 month ago

Thanks a lot for your patience, now it all works.