dgatf / msrc

Multi Sensor for RC with RP2040 - FrSky D, SmartPort, XBUS, SRXL, IBUS, SBUS, Multiplex Sensor Bus, Jeti Ex Bus, Hitec
GNU General Public License v3.0
168 stars 41 forks source link

Jeti Ex, no telemetry #57

Closed Klippeneck closed 2 years ago

Klippeneck commented 2 years ago

Hello Daniel, came across a link to your sensor on RC Network. Since I fly Jeti, I wanted to build a sensor with 2 voltage measurements as a start. So Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V, 8MHz flashed with the configured SW and plugged into the RX. The sensor does not appear in the telemetry selection of the transmitter. To exclude a defect on the Arduino board, I have then aud the board a sketch of RCT which works. Do you have a tip that the sensor works? Actually I wanted to use the sensor with an ESC. But I am not yet so far. I am still relatively inexperienced in Arduino history.


dgatf commented 2 years ago

Please post your config.h

To which pins have you connected the Jeti receiver?

Have you used a diode or a resistor? If using a diode, check diode direction

Which radio and receiver models are you using?

dgatf commented 2 years ago

To enable debug with Jeti protocol, change in constants.h, line 51:

#define DEBUG_SERIAL softSerial

And in config.h line 68, enable debug:

#define DEBUG

Then connect arduino pin 12 to programmer pin Rx and arduino gnd to programmer gnd

Use serial monitor at 115200 and post the output

Klippeneck commented 2 years ago

Hallo, meine config.h :

#ifndef CONFIG_H
#define CONFIG_H
#include "constants.h"

/* Empfangsprotokoll */

/* Sensoren */
#define CONFIG_GPS false
#define GPS_BAUD_RATE 9600 
#define CONFIG_VOLTAGE1 true 
#define CONFIG_VOLTAGE2 true 
#define CONFIG_NTC1 false 
#define CONFIG_NTC2 false 
#define CONFIG_CURRENT false 
#define CONFIG_AIRSPEED false 
#define CONFIG_I2C1_ADDRESS 119
/* Aktualisierungsrate in 0,1s (1 = 100ms) */
/* Mittelwertbildungselemente (1 = keine Mittelwertbildung) */
/* Analoge Multiplikatoren */

/* Pwm out */
#define CONFIG_PWMOUT false
#define PWMOUT_DUTY 0.5 // 0.5 = 50%

/* Nur Smartport und Opentx */
#define SENSOR_ID 10 // Sensor Id
#define DATA_ID 0x5000 // DataId (Sensortyp)
//#define ESC_SIGNATURE // HW V4 Signatur (nur Smartport). Dies gibt die ESC-Signatur und den Rohstrom an die Sensoren 5100, 5101 und 5102 aus
#define CONFIG_LUA // Kommentar, wenn kein Lua-Skript zur Konfiguration verwendet wird (nur Smartport)

/* XBus */

/* Bibliothek I2C_T3 für Teensy LC/3.X verwenden */
#define I2C_T3_TEENSY

/* Init-Verzögerung für FlyFun ESC hinzufügen. Unkommentiert lassen, wenn der ESC nicht scharf geschaltet wird */
//#define ESC_INIT_DELAY 10000

/* HW V4/V5 Stromschwellenwert Drossel (0-100%) */

/* Eeprom-Schreiben erzwingen */
//#define FORCE_EEPROM_WRITE // Uncomment to force write eeprom as defined in config.h. Nützlich, wenn man lua benutzt und eeprom ist durcheinander. Bei jedem erneuten Flashen muss die Zeile auskommentiert werden, sonst wird die Konfiguration beim Einschalten zurückgesetzt.

/* Fehlersuche
   Trennen Sie die Vcc-Verbindung zwischen dem RC-Modell und dem Arduino
   Verbinden Sie nicht gleichzeitig Vcc vom Modell und usb (TTL)
   Telemetrie könnte im Debug-Modus nicht richtig funktionieren
   Verbinden Sie den Arduino Rx mit TTL Tx zum Flashen, dann, falls zutreffend, verbinden Sie den Arduino Rx mit esc oder gps

//#define DEBUG
//#define DEBUG_PACKET

//#define DEBUG_HW3
//#define DEBUG_HW4
//#define DEBUG_GPS
//#define DEBUG_PWM
//#define DEBUG_CASTLE

//#define SIM_RX
//#define SIM_SENSORS
//#define SIM_LUA_SEND


Devices used: DS12 and DS 16 transmitter Receiver REX 10 Assist

Übersetzt mit www.DeepL.com/Translator (kostenlose Version)

dgatf commented 2 years ago

config.h is ok and your transmitter and receiver are compatible with Jeti Ex Telemetry

Check that receiver output pin, Ext, is configured as Ex Bus

You'll need to enable the debug mode as explained and post the output

Klippeneck commented 2 years ago

I do not use ext. output there hangs a vario, have the E1 output set to EX bus. With the debug I have to read in first, will next week.

dgatf commented 2 years ago

I do not use ext. output there hangs a vario, have the E1 output set to EX bus.

Right, I meant E1

Klippeneck commented 2 years ago

Debug went easier than I thought. Here is the output: 11:19:01.638 ->
11:19:01.638 -> V900

dgatf commented 2 years ago

This means that Arduino is not reading the Ex Bus data frames from the receiver, either because the receiver is not sending Ex frames or because the connection between the receiver and the Arduino is faulty.

Check the receiver config and be sure it is sending ex frames. And check connection between receiver and arduino

You should see a similar debug output:

<3D 1 8 E0 3A 0 E0 5E 
<3D 1 8 E1 3A 0 3C 4 
T>3B 1 1C E1 3A 14 F 12 0 A4 0 A4 0 1 49 56 6F 6C 74 61 67 65 20 31 56 A3 4 1E 
<3D 1 8 E2 3A 0 58 EB 
<3D 1 8 E3 3A 0 84 B1 
V>3B 1 16 E3 3A E F 4C 0 A4 0 A4 0 11 D1 44 21 D1 44 2 AE 4E 
Klippeneck commented 2 years ago

Next try: Sensor at E1 output of receiver, serial log21:16:49.928 -> V900 21:16:50.677 -> <3E 3 28 0 31 20 80 3E 21:16:50.677 -> <3E 33 33 0 33 33 0 70 21:16:50.724 -> <3 28 0 31 20 80 3E D9 21:16:50.724 -> <3E 3 28 0 31 20 80 3E 21:16:50.724 -> <3E 3 28 0 31 20 80 3E 21:16:50.724 -> <3E 3 28 0 31 20 80 3E 21:16:50.724 -> <3E 3 28 0 31 20 80 3E 21:16:50.771 -> <3E 3 28 0 31 20 80 3E 21:16:50.771 -> <3E 3 28 0 31 20 80 3E 21:16:50.771 -> <3E 3 28 0 31 20 80 3E 21:16:50.771 -> <3E 3 28 0 31 20 80 3E 21:16:50.771 -> <3E 3 28 0 31 20 80 3E 21:16:50.818 -> <3E 3 28 0 31 20 80 3E 21:16:50.818 -> <3E 3 28 0 31 20 80 3E 21:16:50.818 -> <3E 3 28 0 31 20 80 3E 21:16:50.818 -> <3E 3 28 0 31 20 80 3E V900V

dgatf commented 2 years ago

There is a mistake in debug mode. Could you flash latest code or update line 278 in jetiex.cpp:

for (uint8_t i = 0; i < length; i++)

Klippeneck commented 2 years ago

With latest Software; 14:58:54.201 -> V900 14:58:54.717 -> <EA 2E EB 2E EC 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E B7 E4 3D 1 8 0 3A 0 41 57 14:58:55.279 -> <3E 3 28 0 31 20 80 3E DD 2E EB 2E EC 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E B7 E4 3D 1 8 0 3A 0 41 57 14:58:55.279 -> <3E 1 28 2 31 20 80 3E DD 2E EB 2E EC 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E 6A 82 14:58:55.279 -> <3E 3 28 2 31 20 80 3E DD 2E EB 2E EC 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E C5 FE 3D 1 8 2 3A 0 F9 E2 14:58:55.279 -> <3E 3 28 2 31 20 80 3E DD 2E EB 2E EC 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E C5 FE 3D 1 8 2 3A 0 F9 E2 14:58:55.279 -> <3E 3 28 2 31 20 80 3E DD 2E EB 2E EC 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E C5 FE 3D 1 8 2 3A 0 F9 E2 14:58:55.279 -> <3E 3 28 2 31 20 80 3E DD 2E EB 2E EC 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E C5 FE 3D 1 8 2 3A 0 F9 E2 14:58:55.279 -> <3E 3 28 3 31 20 80 3E DD 2E EB 2E EC 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E FC F3 3D 1 8 3 40 0 91 B5 14:58:55.279 -> <3E 3 28 3 31 20 80 3E DD 2E EB 2E EC 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E FC F3 3D 1 8 3 3A 0 25 B8 14:58:55.279 -> <3E 3 28 3 31 20 80 3E DD 2E EB 2E EC 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E E0 2E FC F3 3D 1 8 3 3A 0 25 B8

dgatf commented 2 years ago

Please try updated code. Fixed in 577b04171d2b7a2586b88adc73d7f77be1901650

Klippeneck commented 2 years ago

Test with Jeti EX Bus successful. 2 voltages are transmitted as configured. Next Teststep with ESC.

dgatf commented 2 years ago


dgatf commented 2 years ago

As you are using the Pro Mini with Jeti Ex, if you want to connect an ESC with serial telemetry, you'll need to change line 49 in constants.h:

#define ESC_SERIAL softSerial

And connect ESC telemetry to pin 7

dgatf commented 2 years ago

Well, just made that automatic for ATmega328P and ATmega32U4. So either, you can download the updated code

Klippeneck commented 2 years ago

Hello, performed first tests with a Fun Fly V5 ESC. Values supplied by the ESC for current and voltage have significant deposits, sometimes more than 30%. Is there a way to adjust the values in the sensor? Voltage measurements via Analog In go well. However, the sensor runs with me (with Jeti ) only with 5V Arduinos, at 3.3V the sensor reports briefly and stops after 2-3 seconds. What else can I give away?

dgatf commented 2 years ago

Values supplied by the ESC for current and voltage have significant deposits, sometimes more than 30%.

Usually voltage values from HW ESCs are more or less accurate and stable

Does not happen the same with the current, where there can be big fluctuations when throttle value is low (thr<25%, maybe higher) and offset and gain may vary from one model to another

Can you describe better the discrepancy or send a telemetry log (including throttle). Also you could enable debug for HW ESC in config.h, #define DEBUG_HW4

However, the sensor runs with me (with Jeti ) only with 5V Arduinos, at 3.3V the sensor reports briefly and stops after 2-3 seconds.

Maybe is too much (Jeti + ESC) for the slower 8Mhz board:

Klippeneck commented 2 years ago

Next tests: 3.3V Ardino Pro Mini runs with only 2 voltage measurements once ESC or GPS is configured, the sensor crashes despite the changes. 5V Arduino Pro Mini works with 2 voltage measurements and ESC or GPS. Measured values of the ESC are very inaccurate and would probably have to be calibrated. Further tests with Pololu 328 PB are planned. Hope that it works with it.

dgatf commented 2 years ago

3.3V Ardino Pro Mini runs with only 2 voltage measurements once ESC or GPS is configured, the sensor crashes despite the changes.

Seems to be too much for this board. You can try reducing the Jeti timeout to 1ms, in jetiex.cpp, line 10: serial_.setTimeout(1);

5V Arduino Pro Mini works with 2 voltage measurements and ESC or GPS. Measured values of the ESC are very inaccurate and would probably have to be calibrated.

Are RPM and temp also innacurate?

Some telemetry logs will be useful

You can adjust the ratio for voltage and current in escHW4.h, line 21-22, third or fourth value, depending if your Fly Fun is LV or HV:

const uint8_t voltageDivisor_[4] = {11, 21, 11, 21};
const float ampGain_[4] = {10, 16.9, 10, 16.9};

It might be that your FlyFun has another type of sensors for voltaje and current

Further tests with Pololu 328 PB are planned. Hope that it works with it.

That's fine, but I don't expect any improvement. Innacurate values from ESC is an issue of the ESC sending those values (or your esc sensors needs to be calibrated un MSRC)