dgets / nightMiner

Halite III Bot - rewriting Halite III bot from scratch with better project structure plans
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An overloaded interface to set current_assignments would be nice #20

Closed dgets closed 5 years ago

dgets commented 5 years ago

There's way too many lines of code clogging things up setting the different aspects of myglobals.Variables.current_assignments. An overloaded method to set different members of this all in one swoop would make things a hell of a lot more maintainable.

dgets commented 5 years ago

I added set_ldps (location, destination, primary_mission, and secondary_mission), set_loc, and set_dest as methods to the ShipHistory object, instead. Something with default values (see https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/controlflow.html#default-argument-values) might be useful for here or some other places (ie log statements), as well.