dgets / nightMiner

Halite III Bot - rewriting Halite III bot from scratch with better project structure plans
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Implement Offense.early_blockade() #44

Open dgets opened 5 years ago

dgets commented 5 years ago

After an arbitrary comparison of the # of players (and, thus, shipyards) is made to determine whether or not we can spare ships to blockade, and still effectively keep mining, we can send a ship to each of the 4 entry routes to each of the enemy shipyards. Of course we'll be able to do this much earlier in the game when it's a 2 player match, but there may still be some usage for it in the 4 player versions, as well. We'll run trials after it's implemented.

I had written the 2 methods that I'm adding to analytics.Offense for the most part, when a PyCharm bug ended up causing me to lose them. So I've thrown the stubs with pydoc in, and I'll complete this later, I just want to make sure I've got things committed along the way.

@emilmirzayev, sorry that it's taken me so long to get working on this, a new job has been leaving me pretty exhausted every day, so unfortunately my coding time has taken a major hit. However, this is what we had the short exchange in issue #43 about before.

dgets commented 5 years ago

NOTE: Due to my inattentiveness as of late, the work on this particular feature can be found in the feature/blockade-offense-at-scuttle branch, instead of it being somewhere on its own. It should definitely be noted that the original work on that branch is not complete; I believe the issues are with ships becoming stuck en route to blockade the enemy drops at the scuttle point in the game if any obstacles are found in the way. At least that's one bug that needs to be handled for it. See also issue #33.

dgets commented 5 years ago

Wow. Strike all of the commentary about there not being any bugs and no compilation errors yet or anything in the commits for yesterday and today. I'm really not sure if there's anything like that or not, because my game running scripts were all running a version of nightMiner from the wrong directory. Thus none of the trials that I ran were with the current version. Can you hear the epic facepalming?

emilmirzayev commented 5 years ago

I just did :D

dgets commented 5 years ago

@emilmirzayev wait what? I'm confused...