dgholz / App-Rssfilter

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Tests fail with Mojolicious 4.99 and later #8

Open eserte opened 8 years ago

eserte commented 8 years ago

See subject. Actually it's not 100% clear that Mojolicious is causing the failures, but in the test logs I see lines like

Can't locate object method "to_xml" via package "Mojo::DOM" at /tmpfs/.cpan-build/2015101018/App-Rssfilter-0.07-qI4m41/blib/lib/App/Rssfilter/Feed/Storage.pm line 100.

An overview of test reports can be seen here: http://matrix.cpantesters.org/?dist=App-Rssfilter%200.07

dgholz commented 8 years ago

How strange, I'll take a look

dgholz commented 8 years ago

Ok, I originally pinned Mojolicious to some ancient version (3.28), but since then Mojo::DOM made its dependencies easier for Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AutoPrereqs to find, and thus it pulled in latest Mojolicious.

Updating App::Rssfilter to work with latest Mojolicious.

dgholz commented 8 years ago

trial release on its way

eserte commented 8 years ago

trial is mostly green --- I think this issue is fixed: http://matrix.cpantesters.org/?dist=App-Rssfilter%200.08-TRIAL