I have to switch some of our net core binaries to run on a rhel 7.x instance and hit a show stopper where warp-packer as well as binaries I made with this awesome tool failed to run due to glib_c being on 2.17 for rhel 7.x, it wanted 2.18. I'm still learning (probably never will stop) my ways through linux and didn't see anything obvious where I could change this or an easy way to work around. It seemed my options were to either compile glibc outside and place it in rhel or upgrade rhel to 8.x, which is probably the better choice, but I'm not in control of those decisions in what I'm facing.
Thanks for any insight if this is something I can specify/config when running warp-packer.
I have to switch some of our net core binaries to run on a rhel 7.x instance and hit a show stopper where warp-packer as well as binaries I made with this awesome tool failed to run due to glib_c being on 2.17 for rhel 7.x, it wanted 2.18. I'm still learning (probably never will stop) my ways through linux and didn't see anything obvious where I could change this or an easy way to work around. It seemed my options were to either compile glibc outside and place it in rhel or upgrade rhel to 8.x, which is probably the better choice, but I'm not in control of those decisions in what I'm facing.
Thanks for any insight if this is something I can specify/config when running warp-packer.