dgiese / dustcloud

Xiaomi Smart Home Device Reverse Engineering and Hacking
GNU General Public License v3.0
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SFTP support for Roborock #324

Open Lanchon opened 2 years ago

Lanchon commented 2 years ago

requirement: armv7l roborock firmware based on ubuntu 14.04.

howto: download this archive to /mnt/data and extract it, then run sftp/install.

motivation: scp is not a remote filesystem protocol, and fish (files over shell) is long deprecated and unsupported in gnome. sftp://root@rockrobo is supported natively in nemo, nautilus, thunar, etc. most remote file managers, such as filezilla, also support sftp. i could not find a single linux GUI for scp.

Lanchon commented 2 years ago

@dgiese, it'd be great if the sftp-server binary could be added to dustbuilder... please? :)

Lanchon commented 2 years ago

come to think about it, adding overlayfs to dustbuilder would be even better!

Lanchon commented 2 years ago

so big surprise: the kernel is lacking the overlay support :(... this means too much hacking to make it work. an easier alternative would be bind mounting all around a-la Magisk.

bind mounts could provide all non-essential functions, such as DNS hacking for valetudo and SSH keys, while fw images would just need to provide root access via custom adbd. this way fw images could be shared among users and would no longer need to be custom-built for each user.

Lanchon commented 5 months ago

btw... please please please consider adding sftp to dustbilder: it is a single 50 KiB file.

pretty please?