dginev / nnexus

Auto-linking for Mathematical Concepts for PlanetMath.org, Wikipedia, and beyond.
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non-numeric link target? #8

Closed holtzermann17 closed 11 years ago

holtzermann17 commented 11 years ago

I noticed that for one of my test objects, in Crossref.pm (line 178), the $lnk comes back as follows:

$lnk == <a href="http://alpha.planetmath.org/node/A proof of power means inequality">Inequality</a>

Sure enough, that string is in the nnexus database:

select * from object where identifier ="A proof of power means inequality";

This seems like a straightforward case of some wires getting crossed somewhere in the Noösphere side of things.

There look to be 272 items with a non-numeric identifier (copied below). @Deyan: I could just delete them from the database if you agree?

    37411  Quant1 template test
    37377  2nd test of exercise
    37172  double category
    37168  regular polyhedra
    37145  Improving Higher Education Quality Program in Vietnam
    37146  n-groupoid
    37147  n-groupoids
    37149  Ab-conditions- $Ab3$ and $Ab5$ conditions
    37151  quantum symmetry
    37152  Bibliography of Quantum Algebra and Quantum Symmetry
    37156  antiderivative of rational function
    37435  Kripke semantics for intuitionistic propositional logic
    37154  Sierpinski set of Euclidean plane
    37165  quasicrystal
    37167  enumeration of lattice walks (derivation of formulas)
    37170  interactive animation graphics
    37174  cellular automaton
    37175  Garden of Eden
    37180  Garden-of-Eden theorem
    37179  pre-injectivity
    37181  Nicolae Popescu (mathematician)
    37183  Grothendieck category theorems
    37186  Indefinite Sum Test  by Ascold1
    37187  AMS MSC Classification
    37193  reflexive module
    37195  rank of a matrix
    37200  Gelfand triple
    37197  Planetary Project
    37202  module homomorphism
    37204  elementary matrix operations as rank preserving operations
    37206  generalized van Kampen-Siefert theorem for double groupoids
    37208  Bessel functions and helical structure diffraction patterns
    37354  Simple Groups
    37211  invertible matrix
    37190  MSC classification of articles
    37198  rigged Hilbert space
    37214  metric equivalence
    37357  testing publication functionality
    37216  bisimulation
    37218  bisimilar automata
    37355  my first exercise
    37220  labelled state transition system
    37363  Axiom system for intuitionistic logic
    37360  weak bisimulation
    37222  properties of ranks of matrices
    37223  Liouville's Principle
    37224  Internationalization
    37225  PlanetMath/Noosphere Scoring
    37226  Polynomial Automorphisms
    37227  Irreducible maps and uniserial modules
    37228  String Field Theory
    37229  PM/FEM style guide
    37230  PlanetMath Content and Style Guide
    37231  3-manifold
    37232  Combined Searching of Web and OAI Digital Library Resources
    37233  PlanetMath Automatic Reference Linking
    37234  Controlling Linking
    37235  Noosphere's Authority Model
    37236  The PlanetMath FAQ
    37237  New User Guide
    37238  test
    37239  Conjecture of Collatz Problem
    37240  This is my sample file
    37241  letter
    37242  asd
    37243  Counterexamples checklist
    37244  min-orthogonal algorithm for systems
    37245  PM/FEM todo list
    37246  HDM devel
    37247  draft document model
    37248  Subject of the month club
    37249  Bessel Functions
    37250  Feedback
    37251  Integrating the use of technology into the classroom
    37252  Graphics and PlanetMath
    37253  bioinformatics
    37254  Forum Policy
    37255  Simultaneous triangularisation of commuting matrices
    37256  Spray spaces
    37257  MIttag-Leffler function zeros via Rouche's Theorem
    37258  Understanding the Zero-State Response
    37259  compilation of suggested changes to PM (wish list)
    37260  Unit Vectors in Curvilinear Coordinates
    37261  Phasors Demystified
    37262  Laplacian from Rectangular to Spherical Coordinates
    37263  Gradient and Divergence in Orthonormal Curvilinear Coordinates
    37264  Vector Properties
    37265  Coefficients of Partial Fraction Expansion
    37266  Question
    37267  Evaluating multi-step equations
    37268  Zerology of Mittag-Leffler Functions
    37269  Algebra multilineal de e.v. euclideanos
    37270  Loop theorem
    37271  Distance Given Latitude and Longitude
    37272  partial derivative
    37273  test collaboration  1234
    37274  The Theory Behind Taylor Series
    37275  Principios de \'algebra multilineal
    37276  Abstract Algebra and Advanced Calculus
    37277  the Hénon equation
    37278  Cooperative and noncooperative elliptic systems
    37279  Hamiltonian-type elliptic system
    37280  Semilinear biharmonic problem
    37281  Nonlinear wave equation
    37282  infinite dimensional hamiltonian system
    37283  Nonvariational systems
    37284  one thing............
    37285  convergence for min-orthogonal algorithm for systems
    37286  HDM-p2
    37287  On the Residue Theorem
    37288  Properties of Complex Numbers
    37289  The Dirac Delta Function
    37290  Derivation of Fourier Coefficients
    37291  RMS Value of the Fourier Series
    37292  Ramanujan-Type Identities Detected By PSLQ
    37293  min-max-orthogonal algorithm for noncooperative systems
    37294  elliptic curve cryptography
    37295  difference equations
    37296  Wkbj79's sandbox
    37297  PM Point System
    37298  PlanetMath Administration (Main Document)
    37299  PM Demographics
    37300  PM Community Guidelines
    37301  PlanetMath Content Committee
    37302  Sandbox
    37303  notes on Greenberg's Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries
    37304  PM Member Rights
    37305  PM Task List
    37306  lisanshuxuetijie
    37307  \TeX{} Mathematical Formula Quick Reference
    37308  any one can aswer in  as soon as possible
    37309  The Liouville-Gelfand problem
    37310  PlanetMath Community Guidelines -- Second Draft Version
    37311  Copying and Re-using Content from Other Sources
    37312  Standard Tags
    37313  Lane-Emden System
    37314  An Intuitive Insight Into Cross Products
    37315  Computation Complexity
    37316  Set Properties and Identities
    37317  Content Committee Charter
    37318  Proof of Gauss' Law
    37319  Math Theorems and Definitions
    37320  PlanetMath Community Guidelines
    37321  Xypic Examples
    37322  Tabulation Examples
    37323  Works on Polynomials
    37324  Examples of Trees using Pstricks
    37325  Request Processing
    37326  Noosphere Tables
    37327  L-orthogonal selection
    37328  PM Bugs
    37329  Table of Disciplinary Actions
    37330  Imaginary and Real Numbers Theory (spiral connection between the planes)
    37331  Cam's question about series
    37332  topic on the Algebraic Foundations of Quantum Algebraic Topology
    37333  Ray's sandbox
    37334  Higher Dimensional Algebra: Structures and Biodynamics
    37335  Supercategorical Approach to Complex Systems, Meta-systems  and Ontology Multi-Levels
    37336  My first Test
    37337  PM Content Standards
    37338  PM Rules of Compliance and Enforcement
    37339  Table of Deleted Entries
    37340  Baye's rule
    37341  How I collaborated with myself outside of academia to prove P=NP.
    37342  My Home Page
    37343  Quantum Oscillations in $d$-wave superconductors
    37344  Magento Web Hosting
    37345  personal
    37346  Inequality
    37347  Addition and  subtraction of Integers
    37348  unusual examples of limits and composte functions
    37350  Lukasiewicz-Moisil Many-Valued Logic Algebra of Highly-Complex Systems vs the Q-logics of Quantum  Automata and Chryssippian Logic
    37351  bvn
    37352  Deriving the trigonometric addition formulae using area and cosine rule
    37353  test obj
    37359  Simple Groups and Symmetric Groups
    37367  gauge fields and gauge group
    37365  topos axioms
    37379  3rd test of exercise
    37366  truth-value semantics for intuitionistic propositional logic
    37370  Kripke semantics
    37371  Bibliography for K-theory and vector bundles
    37374  some theorem schemas of intuitionistic propositional logic
    37376  Filtrator
    37382  deduction theorem for intuitionistic propositional logic
    37384  f cannoct be analytically continued onto a disk
    37406  deductions from natural deduction
    37386  truth-value semantics for intuitionistic propositional logic is sound
    37390  properties of Heyting algebras
    37388  complete Heyting algebra
    37397  Mayan Seasonal Almanac
    37393  axiom system for propositional logic
    37402  rooted tree
    37404  quantum categories
    37410  prime $a^n\!+\!1$
    37408  natural deduction for intuitionistic propositional logic
    37424  substitutions in logic
    37418  deduction theorem holds for first order logic
    37412  axiom system for first order logic
    37414  tautologies in predicate logic
    37415  some theorem schemas of first order logic
    37421  Solution to f cannot be analytically continued onto a disk
    37427  substitution theorem for propositional logic
    37433  Solution to 3rd test of exercise
    37431  intuitionistic propositional logic is a subsystem of classical propositional logic
    37434  Solution to Simple Groups
    37438  Kripke semantics for modal propositional logic
    37440  Completion of a metric space (Q,  )
    37441  failure functions
    37443  Attachment to Textbook projects on PlanetMath
    37464  a property of truth-value semantics for intuitionistic propositional logic
    37461  modal logic B
    37458  modal logic S5
    37446  Robin's theorem
    37445  Gronwall's theorem
    37455  modal logic T
    37453  modal logic D
    37460  A note on Fermat's theorem
    37466  syntactic properties of a normal modal logic
    37468  Fermat quotient
    37470  some theorem schemas of normal modal logic
    37471  some meta-theorems of propositional logic
    37473  cube of an integer
    37476  generalisation of Euler--Fermat theorem
    37477  Halley's formula
    37487  Kripke submodel
    37480  equivalent formulations of normality
    37482  A property of polynomials
    37484  Square of the sum of K elements
    37489  p-morphism
    37491  dilogarithm function
    37498  bijection between unit interval and unit square
    37495  Ultimate generalisation of Euler-Fermat theorem
    37496  properties of consistency
    37499  maximally consistent
    37501  Lindenbaum's lemma
    37517  filtration
    37505  compactness theorem for classical propositional logic
    37509  addition formulas
    37507  properties of $\xi$ function
    37511  two Dirichlet series arising from the alternating zeta function
    37515  disjunction property
    37513  modal logic GL
    37519  Sharam Kohan
    37520  apartness relation
    37522  negative translation
    37524  properties of substitutability
    37531  multiplicatively dependent
    37526  alivenight
    37528  semantical properties of substitutability
    37527  equivalent formulation of substitutability
    37533  bijection between closed and open interval
    37535  geodesic completeness
    37537  derivation of Pappus's centroid theorem
    37539  Joint Embedding Property
    37541  Ultra-universal
    37542  "Fusion" of theoretical physics with mathematics at IHES org
    37544  spark of a matrix
    37547  numerator and denominator increased by same amount
    37546  uniqueness of a sparse solution
    37561  The Totentanz of Set Theory
    37551  PM Planetary Developmental Web servers and sites--including PlanetPhysics.org web servers
    37554  Variable automaton
    37556  Fermat$-$Torricelli theorem
    37558  echelon factoring algorithm
    37570  A proof of power means inequality
    37559  arbelos and parbelos
    37563  8 problems
    37565  factor embeddable
    37567  Egyptian and Greek square root
    37569  Maths Sucks
dginev commented 11 years ago

I am having a full rewrite of Crossref.pm (way too unmanageable right now), where if you want any Management of Change services for auto-linking you need to provide a URL, which will act as the effective objectid.

As usual, the motivation is that makes NNexus auto-linking applicable to any website, not just PlanetMath's particular setup.

As far as making heads and tails from the current NNexus deployment that PlanetMath is using, go ahead and delete anything that seems out of place. I am still hopeful to deliver a working replacement by the end of the week, though the more I get into the auto-linking code the more places to improvement I see (but I shelve them for after the porting milestone).

I will close here for now.