dgitz / icarus_drone_server

AR Drone quadrotor autonomous navigation software
GNU General Public License v2.0
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PTAM Video not initializing. #3

Closed dgitz closed 10 years ago

dgitz commented 10 years ago

Have inconsistencies with PTAM not initializing, causing Pose estimates to not be provided. http://answers.ros.org/question/117176/tum_ardrone/

dgitz commented 10 years ago

It appears that PTAM in the state_estimation node until it gets a valid ar drone version from the navdata pressure ros topic. So a good check is after starting the ardrone_driver to see if the /ardrone/navdata topic is being published. A workaround is to edit the tum_ardrone/src/stateestimation/PTAMWrapper.cpp file, add

node->arDroneVersion = 2;

before: while(node->arDroneVersion == 0) { std::cout << "Waiting for first navdata to determine drone version!" << std::endl; usleep(250000); } And then do rosmake tum_ardrone

Tested it 4 times in a row, no problems. Still get checksum failed messages in the ardrone_driver window but PTAM video and pose look correct.

dgitz commented 10 years ago

Downgraded AR Drone F/W to 2.3.3 using http://forum.parrot.com/ardrone/en/viewtopic.php?id=4936 and other error messages go away. This will probably fix this issue as well.